3D characters not really opaque?

I am trying to use a 3D character as some kind of a stone wall on which one side I add some 2D decorations. For example frames. Frames  hide each other as expected. But the 3D characters stay transparent. 

I create a camera, then add a huge 3D character (800 px), at some distance, and on one side of the character I add 2 Frames . The frames hide the character on the Front view. But the back view shows the frames through the character.

Is there a way to make a 3D characters opaque to external objects? I like their surface rendering quality and variety...

Posted on Feb 11, 2025 12:27 PM

7 replies
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Feb 11, 2025 8:31 PM in response to claude_210

In Geometry/mathematics, a 2D object has 0 depth. In 3D space, that's not visible — it's merely an illusion. Anyway... the 3D object will always appear "in layer order".

You have to make your 2D objects 3D. A plain square shape will do ( ⬛︎ — unicode U2B1B ), or you can download and install this font:


The benefit of this font is that all the shapes have their "anchor points" at the center of the shape and have zero text-width ( so no baseline/left-right-center alignment issues). The square character is "4". Having a perfectly centered shape is *extremely* useful in 3D projects... several major headaches avoided.

You need to Clone the Horizontal 02 Groups and use the Clones as the square character Material > Substance > Generic > Image option. Turn off Wrap Mode ("None"). Set the Text depth to 0 and the Edge Sizes to 0. You'll need to make the 3D character flat since the Frame is NOT square and it won't exactly fit the character. You'll get pretty much what you see in the image above (including shadows !)

When you work through the > Placement options in the Substance, you will need to scale the clone to fit the character. The first thing you do is turn OFF Scale With Font Size. Work the Scale you need, then if you want, you can turn the Scale With Font Size back on (if you're going to be changing the size of the font character. [If necessary, you can use the Position options to help line up the clone if it doesn't automatically center.]

You will also probably need to make adjustments to the Lighting parameters - experiment - don't be afraid to increase the Intensity and adjust the contrasts (probably down in this case.)

With some practice, you'll get used to all this.


Feb 14, 2025 10:20 AM in response to claude_210

Ok - I didn't provide enough background...

Clone layers are a 2D "projection" of whatever they clone (in most cases...). They do not have "Material" options.

The purpose of creating a Clone layer is so that you don't have to work with 2D Groups as your texture source. You CAN, however, simply convert the Groups used as "material" to 2D and apply the Group to the Image source drop well... However, Clones are generally better (and easier) to work with. You can still change the relationship of objects inside a cloned 2D Group to update the appearance of the Clone, if needed. Whenever you use a clone, be sure to turn off the visibility of the 2D Group or whatever you used for the source for the clone. Otherwise it will remain visible (and in the way!) [You might want to switch the Horizontal 02 Frame groups to 2D anyway, and still use the Clones - from your menu thumbnails, it looks as though the drop zones are out of alignment from the original setup.]

Material > Substance > Generic is the one option that allows you to create a "custom material" or "Texture" when you select the Image Option. Many texture image sources are made to be repeated at their edges, like wood grains and bricks etc... In *this* project, you want a drop zone with a wood frame -- which not a repeatable design. If you look right under the image drop well, you will find Wrap Mode. In this case, it needs to be set to none.

You need to dial down the Placement disclosure triangle (this will reveal everything from Placement to Rotation in the expansion) to get access to the controls you need to apply your material to a 3D Text object. You almost always have to make adjustments to these parameters to "fit" the clone material.

One of the first things you should do is uncheck Scale With Font Size which is always on by default. Once you set the scale to your liking, you can turn it back on, and if you have to resize the font using this texture, it will resize automatically and keep its "fit".

Keep at it! Keep asking question if you run into trouble. Like I said, it takes a little bit of time and practice to get used to all this. 3D Text is one of the most amazing features of Motion.


Feb 14, 2025 7:32 AM in response to fox_m

fox_m wrote:
You need to Clone the Horizontal 02 Groups

I tried to reproduce your example with 2 frames on each side of the 3D letter A. Bad luck so far.

I cloned twice the Frame Horizontal 02 and moved the clones horizontally. I created a 3D square character from your font T 4, Group 3. Then, I got stuck trying to figure out how to implement your next sentence.

fox_m wrote:


and use the Clones as the square character Material > Substance > Generic > Image option. Turn off Wrap Mode ("None"). Set the Text depth to 0 and the Edge Sizes to 0.


I found the Material > Substance > Generic > Image ONLY in the "T 4" or "T A" inspector/Text, Appearance Tab. Not in any of the clones. Is it what you mean?

But then what is the "image option"?

I got even more confused when I could not find any "Wrap Mode" anywhere.

Sorry for being confused right at the beginning of you attempt to shelp.

Tx again for your time, have a nice week end.




Feb 22, 2025 2:16 AM in response to fox_m

Hi Fox!

As you can see, I managed to get what I wanted. 

The trick was to UNCLICK THE CLONE LAYER but to leave the 3D special square “4”character ON. How did I found that? Don’t ask me, I probably begin to be an experienced Motion user, ie. clicking here and there, trying to figure out what could happen. In this very case I failed to forecast the result of clicking on/off the clone layer, but leaving the "4" layer on. Sigh... Nevertheless that was the thing to do.

I am probably going to organize a big Motion 3D project party very soon, Fox, you’ll be the main guest. I wait until all snow is gone before that. Indeed, thanks again for your documented help. Without your advices I wouldn’t have been able to make it.

Br, Claude b


3D characters not really opaque?

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