Nested Music folders under Apple Music on Windows
Over the past few months, iTunes has been converting itself to Apple Music for Windows users. I ended up with most of my song files in a new nested Music folder:
D:\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Music\
All the album art is in the higher Music folder along with some of my song files.
However, most of the song files (4,000 out of 5,000) are in a new, nested Music folder and Apple Music shows an Error for those songs. AM shows the file location for these Error songs as:
file://localhost/D:/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/songname.m4a
That song location is actually:
D:/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/Music/songname.m4a
turingtest2 in a post nine years ago mentioned that "If the difference between the two paths is an additional Music folder in one path then this is a layout issue. I can explain further if that is the case."
I would really appreciate a fix for this. Thank you.
Windows, Windows 10 (19045)