Pop-up window saying "Enter your password to Install Software Update" on my iMac
I'm raising the same question Martha Luehrmann did on 2024.06.03:
I keep getting a Pop-up window saying "Enter your password to Install Software Update" It has no other label. It doesn't say it is from Apple. For all I know it is a trap to install malware. What should I do?
The only response she got was a couple of questions from BDAqua on 2024.06.04: "Are your settings to Automatically update?" and "Which OS version are you running?"
She never responded, and the question was eventually closed. I can't believe this question was never resolved. Does everyone else in the world just blindly click on whatever comes up? Or am I missing something really obvious?a
To provide the information BDAqua requested, I'm running macOS Ventura 13.6.7 on a 2022 M2 MacBook Air, and the "Automatic updates" setting is on. When I check for available updates (on that same Settings screen that shows the "Automatic updates" setting), the only available upgrade shown is to Sequoia 15.3.1.
Is it possible the popup message is legitimate and is asking me ever so casually and uninformatively to do a version-level upgrade of the operating system? On the fly? Without prior backup? Without telling me before I click that that's what's happening?
MacBook Air, macOS 13.6