How long does the Apple Card review process take?
I applied for the Apple Card because I make regular, large purchases, and I was intrigued by all the cash back opportunities. I tried to make a large purchase shortly after I was approved (like the advertisement said I could!), and it was immediately declined. I called customer service (after being on hold for 30 minutes), and they supposedly fixed the problem. I tried again, and it declined again. So I wound up paying in cash because the store I was in was about to close. I called Apple Card customer service again this morning, and they said there is now a 5-7 day review and they suggest I don’t use the card during that period??? And the best part is that there is NO ONE who can expedite this review (according to who I just spoke with). Apple, please tell me why I should continue to use this card when YOU are unable to solve issues immediately when they come up. I understand it might be suspicious making a large purchase right after getting a credit card, but that should be able to be solved over the phone with a representative, which it apparently cannot. I’m not angry, but I am incredibly frustrated, unsatisfied, and disappointed, mainly because I was excited to use this card and get cash back. Not the best first experience!
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