Since Sequioa update, Logic Pro X is glitchier than ever.

Updated iOS to Sequioa 15.3.1

New Logic Pro X glitches:

1) If I make edits during playback, even very minor, sometimes it keeps "playing" but stops actually playing the audio - goes radio silence then will suddenly output audio for a second then chop back out, even after I stop doing any edits. Usually I have to quit & relaunch to fix it.

2) Logic now automatically zooms way in on all tracks when switching modes, instead of returning to my prior zoom level in that mode (flex time, automation, etc). Really annoying to keep having to zoom back out so I can view multiple tracks and work.

3) This one was already happening before the Sequioa update: Logic often adds automation to tracks. Settings I never open or touch or add. It just randomly adds them in. Usually dry signal delay, sometimes other parameters. Really ridiculous. And if I move a segment from one track to another, it might add multiple non-existent automations, meaning I can't even access them to remove them, they are in the background and are not listed in the plug-ins.

How can Apple consider this a professional program and have such major glitches, after all these years?

Y'all couldn't figure this out yet? Really?

And iTunes has gotten worse with updates too, removes playlists I created upon quiting and re-opening.

And no access to track time/scrollbar when in iTunes with phone unlocked, only from lock screen. Huh?

Let's take technology backwards, that'll be cool. Dude iTunes in 2012 was more functional.

Why does apple keep making things worse with their updates?

*Not a hardware issue, I am working on a 2022 M1 Macbook Pro. And my Logic Pro X is up-to-date.

MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 15.3

Posted on Mar 7, 2025 1:11 PM

6 replies
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Mar 7, 2025 1:18 PM in response to iamCarey


I have not experienced anything of the sort. This is a community forum so please share your feedback here:

Feedback - Logic Pro - Apple

Some potential fixes:

  1. Raise your Buffer Size
  2. Zooming and Scrolling can improve by means of the Zoom Tool or Auto Zoom: Automatically zoom the Tracks area in Logic Pro for Mac - Apple Support (HK)
  3. My automation is always pretty clear and precise. Is it possible that you have an Automation Mode such as Latch or Touch activated and hence you are recording automation unknowingly?

I think this program is incredible and with every release, I am astounded at its simplicity and love the worfkflow more and more everyday. This is my 13th year in Production. The first 2 years were hard but once I spent time really learning the mechanics, it has been a blissfull ride.



Mar 7, 2025 6:07 PM in response to iamCarey


  1. Can you make sure the Mac's Mic Mode is set to Standard. Restart your computer. Does this help?
  2. For your Zoom situation, I highly recommend you learn how to use the Catch Function. It should fix your Zoom Problems. You could also look at Navigation Snapshots which is also a nice addition.
  3. To avoid unnecessary key commands, you can always delete or modify the Key Commands in Logic Pro. I personally remove the ones that mess me up. You can potentially remove these:

I do not understand the "Flex" concept. Maybe you can add a screenshot or video?

Lastly, when bouncing a region, be sure to disable the “Include Audio Tail in File” box to get a more precise bounce.

Hope this helps brother,



Mar 7, 2025 5:30 PM in response to EddieGrey

Thanks for that!

Yeah I love Logic Pro and it's the program I know so I don't want to switch at this point, which is part of why these glitches are so frustrating.

I would be glad to find out they are user errors but some are pretty blatant like the audio chopping in and out during playback, with no warnings of overload like it used to give (before Sequoia) and not due to accidental automation or anything because after quiting and coming back, it plays right.

1) Sounds like it may be due to the buffer size issue. I will lift that and see if it still happens.

It just seems weird because my mix is simple, a vocal track and 5-8 pre-recorded stems of music, and I'm on a maxed-out M1. So, the fastest laptop Apple had available in 2022. Got it for editing 4k 60fps video, surprised to have issues editing relatively low-intensity audio projects. Guess I'll have to switch the buffer size depending on whether I'm recording or mixing, or just record with the same 500-1k buffer size and move everything over due to the latency. From what I'm reading.

2) My auto zoom is turned off for vertical and horizontal. It only started doing this after the Sequoia iOS update. Before, I could hop between automation and flex modes and it would maintain my zoom. Now it zooms in every time I switch. Waste of time to keep zooming out over and over. Hopefully I discover another setting to resolve this.

3) As for the automation, All of my tracks are in "Read" mode. I never touch those bars but will keep an eye on them in each project and double-check them if/when that issue occurs. Maybe there is a certain different action I'm doing that switches those automatically and I haven't noticed. Like when logic kept having looping on in new projects or new clips, even though I've never once used it. Lot of other people reported this too. Figured out how to fix it, just another thing to remember to do.

2 other issues I'm experiencing:

1) Often times (apparently randomly) when I adjust the tail (start/stop point of a clip) it suddenly removes all Flex Time edits on that clip. Even though I’m not even in Flex Time mode. Obnoxious.

2) Sometimes Logic adds .5 - 1 seconds to the end of my project when/after I bounce to an audio file, sometimes it doesn’t. No matter whether all of my clips end prior to the end marker. It just adds a some empty space. Not a big deal just silly and annoying, gotta always remember to check the end and move the end marker to where I had it.

Thanks again


Mar 9, 2025 5:30 AM in response to iamCarey

Sorry to hear, you have so many issues. I've just updated from Sonoma 14.7.x to Sequoia 15.3.1. Luckily, this eliminated issues I had with Sonoma (like "an audio unit plug-in reported a problem...").

Flex was never be a reliable thing... When using Flex, I bounce the flexed tracks and remove them from the project as soon as possible. Sometimes I create duplicates or a backup of the files (and project) right before using Flex as it can modify the audio files.

Just curious, did you use Migration Assistant or time machine backup for the transition to your M1 MacBook?


Since Sequioa update, Logic Pro X is glitchier than ever.

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