Itunes 10 homesharing not working
Itunes 10, Windows XP
Itunes 10, Windows XP
I am having the same issue with home sharing - trying to transfer library from current computer to new computer (Both Windows 7) - I can see my library old the hold computer in homeshare and when I click the link it tried to load on the new computer and then just stops after 15 seconds. Trying to use this method to try and import the library without backing up to an external HDD. Any ideas??
I figured out the answer to the problem and thought I would share. You have to type in the homesharing of the computer you're trying to take the music from. So on your computer, you type in the email address and password, not your own. But don't press done. Just click on your library and go from there. I hope this helped.
After hours/days of research and failed attempts, this suggestion solved my problem. My Dell could be seen on ATV3 but itunes library couldn't be loaded, although my wife's Macbook Pro was detected and library loaded. Followed the recs to open the ports and I've got music. thanks so much. ****** Apple, why don't you guys tell your customers how to fix these problems upfront?
Here's the info:
My wife could see my library with no issues but I could not see her library. After hours and hours of investigating I decided to just do what has been identified many times and open port udp 5353 and tcp 3689 in the windows 7 professional firewall.
Restarted itunes and problem was resolved.
Repairing Bonjour in Windows Control Panel fixed it for me!
Not sure if it has been mentioned already in here or not, but another solution to Home Sharing not working (Windows 7 pc) is to disable IPv6. You can find how to do it by searching on the Microsoft website.
I had been fighting to get Home Sharing working for quite a while, and had tried alot of the recommendations; but none of them had worked. As soon as I disabled IPv6 my Home Sharing started working straight away, and has not missed a beat since!
Finally, after hours of trying rebooting, reinstalling itunes etc.....I disabled IPv6 and I am in business!
I am running windows 8 so I followed these steps to edit the registry files.
Thanks I used your advise and it worked
I had this problem until I realised it was a network blockage through my Asus router.
The router was blocking "Multicast" traffic from communicating and this is exactly what Apple uses between iTunes and the connecting devices. The address they is to advertise each other.
As soon as I enabled this traffic type generally I had absolutely NO problem accessing Home Sharing through any of my devices (iPhone, iPad to iTunes 11).
I knew it was a networking problem as I had two wireless routers that I was testing on, one that had absolutely no problem and the Asus which failed to work completely.
Hi fellow sufferers!
My solution was to force my iTunes server (a Windows PC in my case) and my Apple TVs to use static IP addresses. My home router has a DHCP service but, like most of them, allows the allocation of these arbitrary IPs to be over-ridden on a device by device basis. For more 'stability' I also set the allocated 'lease' times to be as long as possible. Unlike a business or public network, I have nowhere near enough devices on my home network to overload my 256 address range. Even if I did, I could expand the number of available addresses at a later date.
I'm not sure how Apple devices store network information (as in an ARP or Hosts cache) but I assume from my results that there is some confusion being caused when address translation is taking place particularly on devices that frequently register on a DHCP only network.
Incidentally, I've also made the network IPs allocated to my iPads and iPhones static too. I'm not sure whether this was necessary but reckoned it couldn't hurt.
Anyway, this worked for me and my home sharing and iPad/iPhone Remote now works every time.
This was exactly my problem. Everything worked on homesharing except my main workstation (where the bulk of my library is stored) - and yes this computer was the only one connected by ethernet cable to a Huawei B683 router. When switching to a usb-wifi dongle everything works fine.
I have tried network settings in Windows firewall - opening all the relevant ports, settings on the router, etc. nothing works as long as the workstation is on ethernet...? Maybe some networking specialist has some idea, because I would prefer to have my workstation on ethernet.
Sorry, to make this useful I should probably mention I'm running itunes My router as mentioned in previous post is the Huawei B683. Homesharing works great between all pc's, iphone, ipad and apple tv on wifi, but the workstation on ethernet cannot see, or be seen by other devices. Switching to USB-wifi dongle, and then the workstation is fine...
Disabling ipv6 on my Windows 7 Ultimate x64 computer, then rebooting and relaunching iTunes was the key to getting Home Sharing working between my Windows machine and my wife's iMac. Both of us were running iTunes 11.0.5. The Windows desktop was connected via a hardwired ethernet connection to an upstairs Dlink DIR-655; her iMac was connected wirelessly to the same router (through a downstairs Dlink gateway/extender). The ipv6 disable on Windows 7 ended up being the key!
Thanks, 12parks!
Alright, so here's what I'm dealing with.
I ahve 3 computers on my network:
iMac - Wired
Macbook Air - Wireless
HP Folio 13 - Wireless
My iMac can see and access the laptop libraries no problem. However, the laptops can't see each other's libraries or the iMac's library.
What's going on here? All of the iTunes have been updated to the most recent version.
Itunes 10 homesharing not working