Apple TV (2nd Gen) screensaver photo shuffle
Apple TV (2G), iOS 4
Apple TV (2G), iOS 4
Apple, where you at with this????
I love this feature, but it doesn't work right.
Took me ages to find out how to play a radmonised slideshow on Apple TV for unlimited photos but this is it:
Go into Photos under Computer on the ATV, make sure you click on "Photos" selected and then click "Slideshow" in top left. Once you do this, all the options come up for shuffle, repeat, no repeat, slide transitions etc. I'm running it now and it is FINALLY showing all of the 1,600 photos I have selected from iTunes.
Hope that helps...
I thought you had found a great workaround until I could not skip songs. When I try to all that happens is the music pauses and I can move thru photos. So once again still stuck. Thanks for trying tho.
Hello, and yes your last post really helped!!
I posted a question, and then found this chain of answers. Again, being new to this discussion forum, I didn't know that I had to follow this thread down, to the most recent.
The good news is that I followed the description above on ATV GEN.3, and once I powered off, and then back on, all of my photos were in the screen saver.
I would like to add, for neophytes like myself,that I had to go into ATV Computers (one of the main icons beside Settings), which I clicked, then up came the name of my Library which I clicked, then Photos, which I clicked and a cascade of photo titles (approx. 2000) appeared that matched my HP laptop. then I clicked Photos and selected Screen Saver icon in the top right hand corner adjacent to Screen Saver. The word "loading" appeared. I backed out of each ATV screen, and powered down for a few minutes. When I turned back on and waited for Screen Saver to appear after the allocated 10 mintues, BEHOLD my photos were all there.
Thanks to all of you who use this forum! I truly appreciate all of your advice.
Mollyboots From Nova Scotia Canada
I think one of the issues people confuse regarding this discussion chain is the difference between deliberately running a Slideshow as opposed to the spontaneous screen saver slideshow that starts automatically after ATV is idle.
You can always see a complete, random slideshow of all your pictures when you start it manually.
The problem I'm trying to solve is getting that type of slideshow to engage as the screensaver automatically. From everything I've read and tried on my own; that just doesn't work. There seems to be a limit of 100 or so photos which then repeat.
This is exactly right. None of the proposed 'fixes' addresses the problem that concerns this original thread which you succinctly reiterated above.
The solution I posted creates a random screensaver each time for just over 1,700 photos.
Sounds like that may be an acceptable work around for people who use Photostream.
I've got an iTunes client running in the house which is managing and hosting the photos.
Sorry Brian, can you please remind me of the solution you posted? Many thanks...
I hope this will help some folks.
I was trying to find a way to use an iCloud photostream and randomize (shuffle) my screensaver. Finally did it by:
1. Going to the photostream via the "iCloud Photos" app on the Apple TV homescreen
2. Shuffling in the slideshow settings there (upper right)
3. Moving back a screen from there (to the list of my iCloud streams) I held down on the OK button
4. At that point you'll see the option to make that slideshow your screensaver
Thanks, Brian - will give it a go!
Exactly, that's been my observation too. And I have tried all that there is to try.
However, my theory is that the number of photos in the screensaver is determined by some cache size somewhere. So if you have jpegs that are 50kb each, then probably you can fit 2000 of them. If they are like 8mb each, like mine, then I get around 100 to show up.
That's exactly what I now believe to be the case shuvradeep. There is only so much Cache available. That I can live with, however I get frustrated because ATV nearly always picks the same pictures. I have over 2,000 in the file and everyday I use the screensaver while listening to music, it picks the same 50 or 60. I mentioned this to a Techy at the local store. He looked at me blankly and then had to admit, that ATV was not "On his radar"!
Ok I found a way to make this work! The slide show allows you to pick all your picitures and display them randomly. However, this method does not allow you to control your music at the same time. You can't access any of the other music controls without quiting the slide show.
However you can have your cake and eat it too! Start a slide show and then use Apple's Remote app to control the music!!
Well considering that the first messages here are from 2010 and the last at this time from 2014 I don't think apple is about to fix this ever. Like a lot of apple bugs if apple just pays no attention to the problem there is no problem. Apple has never paid much attention to what the user wants and this is just another episode of apple not being bothered to fix problems that do not cause an actual crash.
Apple TV (2nd Gen) screensaver photo shuffle