Alright - This is how I did it after trying numerous different methods, I didn't quite understand why it wasn't working properly, but this worked for me.
So this is what I did:
(Windows 7) - I recommend restarting your computer before beginning this and not OPENING iTunes - Also I didn't back up this folder because I noticed if I restarted iTunes with this folder deleted it would just recreate it. But remember your apple devices have backups located in the folders we're gonna use - So you should make a complete copy of this folder somewhere else - The folder you should backup is here C:\Users\mark\AppData\Roaming \mark\ will be whatever your usename, so if your's is john, it should be C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming the folder named Apple Computer is the one you wanna make a copy of.
1. Now head too this location in your C: drive. - C:\Users\mark\AppData\Roaming (The name of my username is "mark," so for example if your's is john it should be C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming - Just so you know this is a hidden folder, and if you don't see it, follow these steps)
- Windows orb,
- Control Panel
- folder options
- View Tab
- Look down through advance settings to the location "Hidden files and folders" make sure right below that you select "Show hidden files, folders, and drives"
2. Now right click Apple Computer and make sure you select "cut" and not copy because we do not want this folder to be here once we get done moving it.
3. Now open up your external drive that you want to have these files located.
4. Click the Windows Orb, and then click Computer, now double click your external drive, now on blank space in the window right click, and select create new folder, in this example I named it iTunes.
Now open the iTunes folder you just created, and right click and hit paste, this may take a bit if you got a large "Apple Computer" folder - like mentioned it has a backup of your apple devices, mine was over 10GB.
5. Now If you get a pop up saying the file is in use and it wont transfer... you need to restart your computer. Then repeat the steps from 1 to 4. The files need to be completely transfered over. So if you open up C:\Users\mark\AppData\Roaming and see a folder called "Apple Computer" you didn't move it properly, restart from step one and make sure that folder is Completely Moved to your external location.
Minimize all the folders we've used so far.
6. Click Windows orb (bottom left)
7. In "Search Files or Programs" Type cmd, wait for it to give you a list of programs to open for cmd, then right click cmd.exe and make sure you select "Run as administrator" this just makes sure you don't have privlege issues.
8. Now the complicated part, this stuff will need to be replaced with the proper syntax for your computers setup, let's use mine as an example.
mklink /J "C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer" "D:\iTunes\Apple Computer"
Now you can copy and paste this into your Command Prompt. Your mklink will be different so check the example before you use this: mklink /J "C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer" "D:\iTunes\Apple Computer" before you can begin.
Example: say if you're usename is john, you need to replace "mark" with "john," or if your external drive is labeled "Z" in my computers, and you want to backup to Z:\iTunes, you need to replace
"D:\iTunes\Apple Computer" with Z:\iTunes\Apple Computer. So it should looke like this with the examples inserted into the syntax:
mklink /J "C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer" "Z:\iTunes\Apple Computer"
Now if you're wondering about the "Apple Computer" in "C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer" what this is doing is creating a fake folder for iTunes called "Apple Computer" to see, then windows handles the process of linking the fake folder to the folder located on your external drive.
So if we go to "C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\" you should see an Apple Computer folder, with a different icon than a folder, you will see the folder with a little arrow icon.
At this point you should be finished, to be completely sure everything is working properly I opened up iTunes, if iTunes opens and it seems to be as it was before you did this process you should be fine. For my final test, I backed up my iPhone and made sure my C drive didn't take up more space after it was complete.