1. Close iTunes. Also Removed the Iphone connection to the PC
2. Download junction.exe from Microsoft and in Windows 7, place it in the C:\Windows folder.
3. I also executed the Junction.exe file in C drive as well as D drive, C being my Primary drive out of space and D the larger drive.
4.Remove the BACKUP folder from "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync" for that was the ONLY folder under Mobile sync.
5. Create a new folder structure on an other drive for example: "D:\Backup" and I did not create any other subfolders under Backup.
6.In Windows 7, open a command prompt as an administrator. Now execute the following line....Earlier running without Administrator did not work for me. To Run as Administrator search for CMD in the windows start Panel. Once the CMD Icon shows up on the windows 7, right click on the CMD and then select "Run as Administrator"
7.Change my drive in command prompt to D drive(the drive i am having my new back up file). Type "CD.." to move to root directory and then just type "D:"
8. Then typed the command "junction.exe "junction.exe "C:\Users\USER FOLDER\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" "D:\Backup" -s
9.Voila I see the command successfully executed, you should see a message "Created: C:\Users\USER FOLDER\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup Targetted at: D:\Backup"
10.Two errors that i encountered,
*I was running the Junction command on the C drive and it was giving an error that " "Error creating C:\Documents and Settings\gonzr\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup: Cannot create a file when that file already exists."
* Did not delete the Back up folder on the C drive under Mobile sync folder which was giving me the issue.
11.The command will have created an folder (looking like a shortcut) in the origional location on the "junction.exe "C:\Users\ananthanarayanan_s\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync" with the shortcut named "Backup"
12.Now connect your Apple device of choice and watch the folder "D:\Backup\MobileSync" get filled up with stuff.
13. Used the below tool http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896768.aspx
Important : don’t use MkLink function for I tried and did not work.
I had to do the above for my wife forgot her passcode and then after several attempts disabled her iphone too. Had to then connect to iphone and initiate the Restore Iphone procedure and follow the above steps on her last done back up.