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Numerous problems with iPhoto '11

I am having a nightmare with iPhoto '11

1. Every time I open it, it asks me to upgrade my photo library. When it closes it saves changes, but comes up with the same upgrade message each time.
2. It hangs when trying to import photos from a file.
3. It doesn't see my iPhone (not tried it with another camera yet, but not hopeful)
4. Cannot open books I've already made, and when I create a new book, nothing happens - other than adding a new book under the project list. However, even this disappears next time I open iPhoto '11.

I am currently regretting upgrading at all!

I have restarted the computer and tried repairing permissions.

iMac 20" Core2Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

Posted on Oct 21, 2010 2:53 PM

460 replies

Oct 29, 2010 9:30 PM in response to differs1

I've done the update to iPhoto11 that was posted by Apple today. It will keep the program where it won't try to upgrade your library. The BAD PART is that it loses all of your photos. You are left with the thumbnails and that's it. I can see that the photos are buried in the library, but I haven't found a way to recover them yet. Yes, I've done the Command Option solution and tried to repair the library. I'm trying a third time and it keeps increasing the number of files it's working with while at the same time shrinking the size of the library. I started at 42Gb and am now down to 16. Also have tried the Wordpress site solution, although that was before Apple made their fix available.

This is very disappointing to say the least. I have a back up copy of the library, but you use a lot of time restoring, etc. Good luck to those still trying. Hopefully someone will figure something out.

Oct 29, 2010 9:54 PM in response to Richard Tanner

I had my iMac constantly freeze on me thanks to iPhoto '11. I deleted the iPhoto Library and tried just using Time Machine to pull an old iPhoto Library from before the iLife '11 install, so I can try the Wordpress fix with Batchmod.app. Time Machine gave me a permissions error while trying to bring my backed up iPhoto Library forward. I'm trying to compress the Library from the time machine drive through Finder as a zip on my desktop.

Should I run the BatchMod.app to grant proper permissions on this old Library before running iPhoto '11 to import it?

Oct 30, 2010 12:02 AM in response to differs1

I installed the update this morning and it seems to have resolved all my problems (recurrent request to upgrade library on start-up, no saving of any changes, time machine backing up continuously and hanging on importing of photos). It seems to have sped up performance as well. I cannot find any missing images.

I am very relieved


Oct 30, 2010 1:50 AM in response to Photojourney

I couldn't agree more. I set aside a week to put order in my photos....merge photo libraries, post albums to mobile me, sort, finish incomplete books etc, and I have spent a week pulling my hair out trying to correct all the problems created by iPhoto '11.

The list of 'bugs' is endless, but here is yesterday's experience:

In one photo library, I wanted to empty the trash. When I did that, I saw that it was deleting the ENTIRE library rather than the trash. I noticed something was wrong (deleting 19,000 images) before the action was completed and stopped it. Afterwards, however, the library showed there were NO photos. I was able to rebuild (took several hours) the library, but lost all albums.

In publishing to mobile me:

When publishing an album to mobile me, I have found that it hangs while "finishing" upload. Previous versions indicated "publishing to continue in background" so that one knew all was ok. IPhoto 11 leaves you to wonder if you can continue working on other things or whether changing the screen will stop the publishing.

I have tried BOTH
1. letting it continue working (forever!)
2. switching to other albums in iphoto and hoping that the upload continues

I'm still not sure of the answer. I consulted my Mobile Me Gallery on another computer to see if anything got published or not....sometimes it did....sometimes it did not. I usually had to make many attempts at publishing before I would be successful. This is something which should take a few minutes and ended up taking me HOURS.

I have not been able to control the order of the photos published to Mobile Me.
Despite choosing "manuel" sorting order, the photos always revert back to "file name" sorting order.

If I view my gallery by logging in on Mobile Me, I can see my albums with the "key photo" displayed.
When I view My Gallery going to the left hand bar in iPhoto, and clicking on the Mobile Me account under "Web", the My Gallery albums do not display the "key" photo. There is no way to check the actual display without logging on (outside of iPHoto) to Mobile Me.

If I want to "Tell a Friend" about a My Gallery album, Mobile Me sends a very nice looking email with the link, the user name and password. The only problem is that for me... the password was blank and just below it was printed the name of the Gallery which gave the impression that it was the password!
So... of course, it did not work.

What is so disappointing is that Apple was so great because IT WORKED !!!! right out of the box and without a huge manuel. I am very tenacious and will continue wasting hours, weeks, months, rebuilding and working around problems until I get it right. But I am getting tired of building a sand castle that keeps falling down around my feet. I would rather be doing something more constructive.

Oct 30, 2010 6:24 PM in response to Photojourney

regarding the Apple store manager who would not issue a refund for iLife 11.
Today I phoned the online Apple store and asked for a refund, and they said they cannot refund software, and recited terms and conditions.
This is total tone-deafness on Apple's part. They should be offering an immediate and apologetic refund to anybody who asks for one. Given the amount of trouble they have caused with this so-called "upgrade", it is penny-wise and pound foolish to be refusing to honor the time tested method of customer care: satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Granted, they risk being scammed by a few disreputable users who install the software and then ask for a refund. But given the number of honest customers who have been scammed by Apple's failure to do proper quality control (and poor decisions about feature removals), this seems like a risk Apple ought to be more than willing to take.

Oct 30, 2010 7:15 PM in response to Richard Tanner

Today I talked with three levels of Apple Support concerning my issues involving application and computer freezes. I could open iPhoto and open a library photo but doing editing or attempting to return to "Events" or "Library" would trigger both the freezes and sometimes distortions of the application window. The duration of the freezes were from under a minute to having to turn off the iMac and reboot.

Over the phone solutions did not work, so the last person sent a "capture date dmg" via email. This program was turned on by me on my desktop to record what was happening in my computer when the above events happened. When I shut off the program at the direction of Apple Support, it created a file on my desktop that I attached to the email that sent the dmg.
I was advised that this data will be analyzed by a team of engineers and they would get in touch with me on what was causing the problem and what the solution was.

I was given a reference number, the name of the Apple Support person, email and phone number and extension of the person as a point of contact:)

Oct 31, 2010 2:31 AM in response to Richard Tanner

What's more frustrating is that I've tweeted John Gruber several times about this and he's obviously not going to say anything on his blog because he's so pathetically pro-Apple these days he's hardly worth reading. On the back of the iPhone 4 and Aperture 3 launch disasters this is a worrying trend at the moment. I'm almost sympathising with MS about Windows, if Apple can't even make software that works on a platform they have full hardware control over then the fact Windows works on so many different hardware setups is a credit to them!

As I hadn't dared install iLife I've just put my copy on ebay to try and get some of my money back. I will just stick with iPhoto 09 for now and decide whether to spend a fortune on Lightroom, which in reality is complete overkill for what I need 😟

Oct 31, 2010 2:43 AM in response to Konstantin Articus

It amazes me how little is reported on the web on this... just by looking at the numbers of discussions iphoto9 (over month) vs iphoto11 (over a couple of days) here, one should be able to tell, that problems are "extremely" rare...

Perhaps the reason it's so little reported is because it is extremely rare. At the time of writing there are some 2,200 messages on the two main IPhoto 11 forums. Some of these - and only some - deal with Library Upgrading issues. Even if we say half, that's 1100 posts, an how many of them are posts from people posting multiple times? How many of those are replies trying to help. Against the installed base?

You can't compare any forum for a newly released product with one for a two-year-old one. Every forum sees a huge surge in posts when there's a new release or update. 09 is a mature product now but it was just the same when it was released.



Numerous problems with iPhoto '11

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