Can Faces be turned off in iPhoto 11 ?
Dual-core Intel Xeon 2x2.66 GHz, Mac OS X (10.4.9)
Dual-core Intel Xeon 2x2.66 GHz, Mac OS X (10.4.9)
Just a late reply to T.D. And others who have added to this thread. Thanks for your comments to my initial question. Since the first post in this thread, I did attempt to start moving my libraries over to Aperture. I just tried a portion and it was so slow and cumbersome and it is so much more of a pain to use than iPhoto that I gave up. I read many others complaining about Aperture's speed and slowing down their workflow. I"ve since been dividing my library into smaller ones and trying to move it all onto new hard drives and a new IMac. Terence, when you keep saying we should find another program, it just gets annoying. No offense, but you are talking to people who love Apple and their products, many of whom, like me, were with them when they were barely making it and were singing their praises to everyone we could. And we really like iPhoto and the integration with other Apple programs and our other devices, such as iPad and iPhones, etc. So to have that all screwed up because Apple refuses to let us disable a feature that doesn't even work that well, in my opinion, really does smell of the same attitude that made us swear off of any thing to do with Microsoft years ago. I just think it's sad. And by the way, I've been nine days trying to divide and convert libraries over to my new computer and iPhoto 11 and I think having a nervous breakdown. Anyway, thanks T.D. and all the others who added to this thread.
Today I installed Adobe premiere 10.It looks like I can delete all rubish created by iphoto11.
Faces and a miljon other little things that iphoto thinks are faces just to mention a few Flowers,Buttons on coates,
Literaly everything that is not a face but iphoto thinks it MIGHT BE a face.I found an option to also delete this rubish from hard disk so I am hoping to go and make some progress with sorting out photos again.I have purchsed all sort of programs like duplex and library managers.I am now so sick of this program that I am going to get it waway from my Apple iMac with Lion operation system.To make it all wearse I have now seen that the new version Mountain LION might not be installed on existing iMacs at all anymore.All together I feel left alone with a product I had advertised to all people I do know and not know.I mightneed to reconsider my situation what to do further.Hopefully the today purchased ADOBE might be a solution.I would like to hear from anybody else who had problems with iPhoto and their found solutions or further advise
Johannes Martinus Maria Verweerde MrClogz1947 Whangaparaoa New Zealand
Before you delete anything to do with your photos you might want to check out Premiere at little more closely. It's a video editor.
Part of this editor and an other program is the photo organiser.For hours I am now killing silly doorknobs,flower,heads on advertising,heads on DVD.s and so many more rediculus unnesessary photos Appple calls FACES.The most stupid situation I have ever encountered in 50 years computer EXPERIENCE.!
They should take it of the market and refund all victimes! This 11 edition.I have used 9 before and that went all ok.
So it is a video editer and beside it and you get it for the same price is the Adobe PHOTO ORGANISER.
I think by now I know more aboutiPhoto as well as from ADOBE and I still think YOU are payed by APPLE.
So please eo not deny that.Just spend also 132 $ AU and see for yourself Apple may even pay that for you so in the future you can better advise APPLE IMAC COSTUMERS.
I am very angry as you can see!
You announced that you were replacing your Photo Manager with a Video Editor. I just suggested that you check that out. Simple friendly advice. Also a warning for others who might think that Premiere is a replcement for iPhoto. You're welcome, btw.
Please check this out and you can include your new knowledge in your FUTURE advise to others!
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Sorry Mr English is not my mother tongue and if you try to offend me please go ahead.
But your advises are useless that is what I find.That is very SAD is a word I understand
I'm not English, I pretty much guessed that English isn't your first language and I have no desire to offend you whatever.
You dislike the Faces feature in iPhoto, your Photo Manager.
You decide to use an alternative application - so far, very sensible.
However, instead of getting an Photo Manager you get a Video Editor. You get the Video Editor because it has a media manager attached.
It would have made more sense to get a Photo Editor with a media manager attached, like Photoshop Elements.
This is like saying "I don't like the Spell Checker in my Word Processor, I'll get a Spreadsheet App instead"
But even that is not a replacement for iPhoto.
Replacements for iPhoto might include: Picasa (Free) Aperture (less expensive than Premiere), Lightroom (More expensive than Premiere)
So, you paid too much money to buy the wromg app. Then to demonstrate how good Premiere is... you post the receipt you got from Adobe.
Best of all, you're aggressive and argumentative while doing it. And insulting to me as well.
That's amusing to me. Have a nice day.
Your are the winner Celebrate it.
Products ordered: |
I like to mention that my new purchased program did not help very much either.
I could get awy with lots of faces but that is simple anyway as the face files all contain face in the text.
You can surch for "face" in the file name find them all and than delete this rubish.
Fair enough after cleanin up with my new program I have started a new library wit !photo11.
My library contains 18000 and some photos.Many are double uploaded in any library that ican create.
To get replicas out I never succeeded but I will keep trying.
@RKart, I really agree with you. for more than 15 years I am using Mac now. Just like you I am an ambassador for Apple and their well shaped, intuitive and useful products that really fits the needs of users.
The disability to turn off 'faces', simply is not the style of Apple. Not at all when it's not working.
If you can turn something 'on', you should be able to turn it 'off' later. That is not smart, that is reliable...
How it should be. That should be 'Apple'.
Apple, please let us turn off 'faces'. It really is a pain in the @#! of many enthousiastic mac-users.
In reply to many posters in this discussion, not just clogz14:
For tens of thousand of photos I suggest either getting a really powerful new Mac or splitting your iPhoto library (by date perhaps).
For duplicates I suggest buying iPhoto Library Manager.
For commercial use I suggest Adobe Lightroom. And Drobo to back it up. And another Drobo for a 2nd backup. Don't putz around with consumer-oriented software and old or cheap hardware if you're serious about your business.
For the free advice offered by prolific contributors like Terence Devlin I suggest a more respectful tone, especially one without wild accusations.
joeblowjapan Thank you for your interest.I have the program iPhoto Library Mangaer and that works perfect and I can make any new library that I want.However I can never merge these libraries to get one unique library.You speak of tenth of thousand photos buy pro fessional stuff.I like to tell you that I am not a professional at all and from my 18000 amateur photos over 9000 are duplicates I am unable to get that fisxed.Despite also haveing a program purchased to delete duplicates.Buying a new iMac I would find rediculous.This iMac of my is 2 years ols and came with Leopard, I upgraded to Snow Leopard and with many problems to Lion.In the mean time the intenal hard disk is not accesable anymore so my hard disk is now an external hard disk.I am not a bussines at all and can even afford to loose all photos because every of my tenth of thousand photos is on CD s.
Now how enthousiast I was about my new gaer I payed about 2x the price for as Windows Gear!.I am getting more and more diapointed about the Apple family and will certainly not buy any new iMac.I still have a lot of Windows computers operational and I think that is everybodies future if they do not want to be unpleastly surprised as I am now.About the unfriendly person you quoted I have looked and he is "knowledgable about iPhoto 11.Fair enough but his advises are useless and or offending.There are also very good volonteers in this Apple forum and I found them over the period I own my Apple.To short a long storry short I am just a guy who made a few travel photos I think 12000 should this imac be able to manage and it did manage with Leopard.I think a lot of changes destroyed a good working system.For me the love with Apple has been smotherd.or killed or any English tongue speaking person will have better words for that.
Johannes Verweerde-MrClogz1947-clogz14 Amateur Computer User
You are perfectly correct that iPhoto is not designed for a professional setting. Lightroom is designed for such a setting, as is Aperture (at half the price of Lightroom).
I wouldn't suggest buying iPhoto Library Manager for dealing with duplicates. It's not part of the feature set of the application, apart from when merging libraries or moving material between them. For dealing with duplicates in iPhoto check out Duplicate Annihilator
Not sure where I accused anybody of anything, wildly or otherwise.
Can Faces be turned off in iPhoto 11 ?