I just saw this question, and I do understand that sometimes if we are merging presentations etc. presenter note fonts and sizes can get jammed.
I address this as an Applescript problem. I guess that the way that I do my presenter notes is to write out what I am going to say as a speech in Pages. I have a paragraph for the slide number and another paragraph for the notes (actually, I usually insert these at the end). Anyway, using applescript I load the notes into memory and write them to each slide. You can of course, also get all the presenter notes, write them to Pages, edit them there, and write them back to the Keynote..alternatively, you can iterate through all the slides and set the font, size and colour (or 'color') as you need.
For the purpose of simplicity, make sure you have a keynote presentation open. this will insert a new slide at the beginning with a formatted presenter note. To edit its format or content or placing, copy it into an AppleScript Editor, compile it and just edit the script below.
--For the purpose of simplicity, make sure you have a keynote presentation open. this will insert a new slide at the beginning with a formatted presenter note. To edit its format or content or placing, just edit the script below.
Tim Murphy
tell application "Keynote"
--:here is how you can get the presenter notes of any Keynote slide.
set theCurrentSlideNote to get presenter notes of slide 1 of the front document as text
--:here we create a new blank slide at the start of your presention
set the newSlide to make new slide at the beginning of slides of the front document
tell slide 1 of the front document
--:now we set the presenter note content
set theSlidePresenterNote to "Applescript can be used to set the properties of the presenter notes of each and every slide. We must bear in mind that we need to address the document, then the slide and then the slide's presenter notes. I hope that this script gives you some ideas"
set its presenter notes to theSlidePresenterNote
--:and now we modifiy the note's font, size and color
tell its presenter notes
set the properties of first paragraph to ¬
{font:"Harrington", size:68, color:{10000, 10000, 10000}} --colour is black.
log the properties of first paragraph
end tell
end tell
end tell