I accept that there are MANY threads in MANY forums about wifi issues for MBAs and I am rather late in coming to this particular one but am having the same very slow response problem on my late 2011 MBA utilising the latest Lion software.
This may sound really weird but when I hold my laptop in a 'portrait' position - i.e. on its side - then my speeds shoot up.
Using Thinkbroadband.com to test my speed, I can consistently go from very slow download speed (often as low as 100kbps! when the MBA is in its normal position) to in excess of 15Mbps (when the MBA is on its side). The table below shows 6 consecutive tests alternating between portrait and landscape modes.
I have tried all of the other proposed solutions on every forum and none have worked so far. But this seems to have done the tick - albeit it is totally impractical. I read about issues with the aerial in the screen half of the laptop so this may fall into this category.
Any thoughts or can someone else try this 'solution' and see if using the MBA on its side has similar results with their own machine?