Why, WHY did Apple bring back the Macbook Air's backlit keyboard? I had gotten used to not having it, and then it came, unannounced, back into my life! There it is, glowing, mocking me, teasing me: "You KNOW you wanted me back! Tell me differently!" I told it, "You know I can turn you off in the Keyboard preferences, don't you?" But it mocked me once again, reminding me of this shocking fact: "But that will turn me off only until you start typing again!" My rejoinder was this: "But once I stop typing again, you'll go dim again, after an amount of time that I set in Keyboard preferences!" It then knocked all the wind out of my argument with THIS: "Uh, but I just told you, I'll glow again every time you start typing again."
Darn you backlit keyboard, darn you all to heck!
I actually really prefer the backlit keyboard. I don't know why Apple took it out of the Late 2010 models, and I'll bet nobody could even speculate why.