How to Add to home screen ? On iPad
macbook white 120gig-2009/iMac27inch-2010/TimeCapsule 1TB, Mac OS X (10.6.4), iPhone 4/macbook white 120GIG /iMac27 1TB/TCAPSULE 1TB
macbook white 120gig-2009/iMac27inch-2010/TimeCapsule 1TB, Mac OS X (10.6.4), iPhone 4/macbook white 120GIG /iMac27 1TB/TCAPSULE 1TB
Is it possible that those of you experiencing this issue with your iPhones/iPads have maxed out all of your homescreen space with Apps?
As I understand it, you can still add apps when your pages are full, just not see them unless you search.<</div>
You're absolutely right, I just searched for my missing apps and they are there just not visible on any pages. How would anyone ever know this? I use my iPhone a great deal for my graphics business, so I do have a lot of photo/art/book/reference apps which is why the introduction of folders was such a great thing. Until folders I never kept more than 4 of five pages of apps on my iPhone. Folders has made me lazy, so instead of loading the apps I may need at a given time, I just put them all on there. I only had four pages filled with the folders. I would be nice if Apple published this type of limitation somewhere, instead of users having to go search when situation like this arises.
Thanks, Brett613, I came here due to searching on this very issue, which I was also having, no + symbol in safari and no ADD TO HOME SCREEN on the menu that was under the new symbol.
As I was reading the replies from the Neanderthals that frequent this forum, all failing to answer the question and instead brow-beating the questioner, I was appalled by the rude and crude behavior her, the ignorance and bad manners. Apple should be ashamed to have these appear on the site.
You answer is, of course, the solution foe me, clearing a VISIBLE space for a new icon restores the missing ADD TO HOME SCREEN option for me.
Thank you for your kindness, courtesy and sanity in this otherwise utterly useless place filled with self-though experts.
I ran into this as well, and I have a slightly more specific set of symptoms and solution. On my iPad 2 running iOS 4.3.5, I was experiencing the problem where I could not add a web page to the home screen from Safari. I also had a problem where when I added a new app, I could not see the icon nor the download bar for it as it was downloading. I would have to wait for it to completely download and install, and then I could find it only with the Search iPad function.
I suspected that I was out of App slots, since I could go no further to the right after the 11th page. Reading this thread confirmed that limitation. I had deleted a few random apps, but my problems persisted. Turns out I had to make room on the 11th page, and then the symptoms cleared up. Deleting an app, say, on the 5th screen didn't help. So if you have 11 screens worth of apps and are experiencing this problem, make sure you move or delete an app from the 11th screen.
Would like to thank you Brett 613, thought I was going mad! Some people were very rude but you were fab.....
Thanks Brett, solved the problem for me. Agree about the condescending tone of some of the earlier replies. I nearly gave up because of these but I'm glad I persevered. I've had this problem for ages and worked out for myself that deleting apps solved the problem, sometimes. Just didn't get it about the last page. Thanks again. Tom
PS. Nobody else has had this problem is one of the most irritating things to hear. I had a cardiologist once who said to me there's nothing in the literature about what you're complaining of. My unspoken reply was "and there won't be if you keep on dissing what I'm reporting"
Thank You Brett 613 This solved my issue as well.
I to was horrified by the rudeness from some of replies, I don't understand why people offer up advice which goes nowhere, or just plain rude!
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to this thread, Brett 613. I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure this one out. You saved me a lot of time and aggravation!
Thanks Brett! COMPLETELY solved my problem...
For the IPad, if you open your web page using safari instead of google the plus sign appears at the top. This is your add button. If you open in google press the three vertical dots and "open in safari" appears. Click that option and the plus sign will appear on the top.
The three dots in google are missing the plus sign/add and also the "more" selection doesn't work at all.
How to Add to home screen ? On iPad