apple bluetooth keyboard w/iPhone 4 -- SEND text message?
3.0 GHz 8-core Intel Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), two 17" Apple Monitors w/DVI-ADC boxes, PCIe USB hub, Digidesign 002R /Command|8
3.0 GHz 8-core Intel Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), two 17" Apple Monitors w/DVI-ADC boxes, PCIe USB hub, Digidesign 002R /Command|8
scarrab666 wrote:
Can you folks at Apple look at creating a decent keyboard combo for iOS 6?
As has been mentioned previously in this thread, you're not talking to Apple here. This is a user-to-user forum. If you want Apple to know your concerns, use the Feedback page:
Here is what "tamara" emailed me ...
"I guess it's just too much work for you to lift your hand a few inches and tap the screen."
That is the "constructive" response given to a first time apple support user. A slap in the face.
considering that they said my post complaining about how this feature could be left out was 'non-constructive'
you might as well delete my account and ban me from here because I am not going to stop exposing your unprofessionalism towards your customer.
I am also not going stop exposing how you just blamed the customer for being the problem.
As soon as you are done banning me from here I'm going to send a copy of all these posts along with your replies to Steve Jobs, every website that covers Apple issues and never let this insult be forgotten.
Wow, appleharo!! unbelievable response!! A fully supported wireless keyboard requires that it have a key combo "send" feature. If the support team gave you that as a response, it means they are not technical enough, or smart enough to step out of their box and resolve the issue. It also means that they're missing the point. Actually I think the "send" button on the iphone (which is essentially the MMS application) needs to tie into the " enter/return" button on the keyboard. Say, add the feature that if you press and hold the enter/return button on the keyboard, this is equivalent to the "send" button on the iphone or code the MSS app to accept another iphone key stroke (or combo) to be the equivalent. It's not that hard to code/update their MMS application. --Jason
How did "tamara" get your email address? As far as I know she does NOT work for Apple in any manner, are you confusing a post she made here with an email you got from an Apple host regarding your post?
Agreed. I also don't understand why there is not a menu for assigning keys for shortcuts or why the buttons on the top row (music controls etc.) are not assigned to anything and do not work on the iPhone. I cannot speak for the iPad, but I know they should be functional with the iPhone and that the Send key should also be programmable or already have an assigned kay.
To David's post: it's still not acceptable. Voiceover is very cludgy just to press the send button. I now have to turn on Voiceover then press 3 keys simultaneously to get to (select) the <send> button, and press three keys simultaneously to press the <send> button. Then turn off Voiceover when not txt'ng. Like I said, still not a valid workaround. Certainly not a "fix"!
I would really like to see this added to iOS 5 in some way. Despite the fact that the screen isn't very far away from my keyboard, it would still be so much faster to tie the "Send" button so something, even if it was Function/Control/Option/Command/Shift+Return, that would make things so much faster when sending emails, or sending messages on the messages application.
I just recently purchased my Apple Bluetooth Keyboard for my iPad 2 and am very disappointed in the lack of integration of commonly used shortcuts. You can't even use the arrow keys to scroll down on a webpage? It seems that it would satisfy many Apple customers who have purchased the keyboard to tie in to iOS a bit better than it does now.
That being said, typing this post using my keyboard is 100x faster than it would be using the virtual keyboard on the device.
Plus one on the comments in this thread from 12 months ago. I was looking up to see if there were ways to map the FN keys to do this same thing - one for 'send' for Messages, one to 'send' for Email, etc.
I do so much texting / email on my phone (and iPad) - it's clearly a design gap they never considered. Rare.
Until they close the gap - I'm still thankful that my phone typing is now 10x faster, more accurate, but not completely streamlined from a productivity standpoint.
I just got the keayboard and I also hae the new iphone 4s 5.0.1 the shift + enter does not work for me. Also did anyone install the driver for this keyboard. All i did was turned it on and paired it with my iphone and it worked. Does anyone know if it s possible to assign a button on the keyboard like "Ctrl" to funtion as a "send" button? How?
Agreed, this is absolutely ridiculous. I have an iPad setup on my desk that I leave open for e-mail and messaging throughout the day. I have a bluetooth keyboard attached to it and it's MORONIC that I can type messages all day long but have to reach up to the screen and physically hit "send" in the lower-right hand corner to send off a message (and then continue to go back to the keyboard to type more text). Come on Apple, fix this with a simple keystroke, eh?
You guys are lucky for receiving some sort of "Reply" from support, I remembered this thread while buying my keyboard, so I decided to start off with the question "Does this keyboard work on iPhones?", and the guys/girls assisting on the store firmly believed, "sir, its not compatible with iphones". So when I got out of the store, I immediately tested it, but still, can't find the send shortcut. And I really need this feature, if you're too busy doing something and you're phone is docked and charging, you won't have the time to pull it from the dock nor reply to messages with the dock connected to it and place it back where it's sitting.
I'm in the same boat as everyone else...looking all over the internet, newsgroups and Apple forums for a remedy to this lack of a "send" key or combo on my bluetooth keyboard.
It's really a bad oversight that should be remedied. I know it's NOT windows, but in windows you can invoke almost any button or menu or device by using some combination of keystrokes and there's usually an underscore under the ALT activated character. This type of control only makes sense. I don't see how it could not be available in the iPad/Wireless keyboard combo.
I guess I'll head over to the feedback page and ask them to add it the ability to hit the SEND button from an Apple wireless keyboard while using the native iMessage client in iOS and I suggest everyone do likewise.
apple bluetooth keyboard w/iPhone 4 -- SEND text message?