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cod4 punkbuster issue

Can anyone help me please,ive just downloaded cod4 from the mac app store.I can play the single player game ok but when i join a multiplayer game online i get kicked by punkbuster.It wants me to update punkbuster using pbupdater.The problem is when i run the software it tells me that the The game path does not exist.Ive tried to manually browse for the cod4 app but it is grayed out so i cant select it.

Mac OS X (10.6.6)

Posted on Jan 15, 2011 6:07 AM

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Jan 15, 2011 11:00 AM in response to clickit67

Asking here is like buying a game at Walmart and then expecting random customers inside the Walmart to be able to help you when it doesn't work. In other words, it's not likely to get you anywhere. This is something you need to contact the CoD4 developers about.

Jan 15, 2011 2:53 PM in response to clickit67

You mean you tried using pbsetup? (Available at http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php)

In pbsetup.run, choose File > Add Game, then choose Call of Duty 4 in the popup button. You will want to choose the Call of Duty 4 Data folder as the target like in the image below:

User uploaded file

After you've chosen that, choose File > Check For Updates and it should download and create a pb folder inside the Call of Duty 4 Data folder.

Or is the version you got from the Mac App Store a single application bundle? You may also need to change the permissions on it so that it can successfully write the pb folder.

Message was edited by: MarkDouma®

Message was edited by: MarkDouma®

Jan 15, 2011 6:43 PM in response to MarkDouma®


You're correct. The version from the Mac App Store is a single application bundle (it's a package). From the pbsetup application we cannot navigate to the Call of Duty 4 Data folder. You must right-click the Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare app and select "show package contents" to get to the data folder. Typing in the exact path doesn't work either. We get a message stating "path doesn't exist."

Jan 16, 2011 4:20 PM in response to clickit67

I've solved the problem!

Click on the COD4 application and go to the package contents thing. Take the contents and drag them to your desktop or a new folder, whatever. Then, open up the PBSetup and select the file called 'call of duty 4 data' in the contents folder. Then update.

But if you get a different error message the next time you play the game then take the PBSetup and paste it into your pb folder in the ' call of duty 4 data' folder and delete the updated files except for the original files and update again. This should fix your problem.

Although, this worked for me but now I can't find any servers.

Jan 17, 2011 4:25 PM in response to clickit67

I've cracked it!!!!!!

So download the pb update program and point it to this for your call of duty program location:

/Applications/Call of Duty 4.app/Contents

Next locate your Call Of Duty 4 program in applications, right click and select Show Package Content.

Next right click on contents and click get info.

Drop down sharing and permissions

Now click on the little padlock bottom right of info, admin login now

Change permissions to read and write and make sure you do this to all subfolders by selecting the little wheel thing.

Then run update in the pb update program and bam you've cracked it 😉

Hope this helps, worked for me 😀

Jan 23, 2011 12:36 PM in response to clickit67

Do what priestlyUK did and open the file permissions on the COD app etc.

Obviously get the Punk buster app installed. Then go to http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-cod4.php and down load both the PB client files for mac, save to your desk top, then drag these files into your PB file located in the packages. Contents(folder)-call of duty 4 data(folder)-PB(folder). PB is where you need these files! It worked for me!


cod4 punkbuster issue

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