Does iPad 2 WiFi Really Have No GPS???
iOS 4
iOS 4
Chris CA wrote:
That is incorrect. Satellite access is required. A-GPS uses ground stations (cell towers) to "assist" the satellites in order to improve both the precision and the accuracy of the end result.
To be correct, A-GPS uses the cell tower locations to assist the iPad/GPS device until it can get good GPS satellite reception. It does not improve accuracy or precision.
Chris CA wrote:
A-GPS is transmitted over a cell signal. *DGPS is transmitted over the GPS signal.*
Cell phones will send a GPS location to the cell tower which then uses the DGPS data as error correction to better locate the device. *The cell phone does not receive DGPS data.*
If DGPS is transmitted over the GPS signal and
I'm seeing the DGPS ground stations as "fake satellites."
Glorfindeal wrote:
Even though you have no data plan, the 3g still connects to the cellular service and can use assisted gps.
Chris CA wrote:
The DGPS will do the same then figures the anomolies of the satellite signal and sends out correction info (based on the location of the DGPS station).
A major cause of the confusion is semantics, which is not all that unusual
The DGPS station receives GPS data and calculates its position. However, since it knows its own location, it can then determine the X/Y error in the calculated values. That is the error information that it transmits to other receivers. Naturally, if I'm unable to read DGPS signaling or if I'm out of reach of the signal, I must rely on GPS with the accompanying error.
Chris CA wrote:
Depending on the use, DGPS may be of little consequence. A 20' error will likely not cause anyone (using the iPad) any problems. If it would casue a problem, they should not be using an iPad for whatever critical application they are doing.
Does iPad 2 WiFi Really Have No GPS???