Home Sharing drop out with Apple TV2
iMac 27" 3.06 intel core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Airport extreme dual band
iMac 27" 3.06 intel core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Airport extreme dual band
Als dit niet snel ophoudt of verbetert dan ram ik die AT2 in iemand z'n reet. Godverdomme! Belachelijk!!!!!
I have similar issues, not so much with drop out (although that has happened) but the ATV2 is unable to find my iTunes library if my PC is turned on first.
However, if I turn on ATV2, then the PC and then iTunes it finds my library fine and plays everything as normal. Very strange.
Also I've noticed since the last iTunes update that if I start iTunes when the ATV2 is turned off, the little white light on the front of the ATV2 comes on, although the ATV2 doesn't start up fully!
The weirdness continues...
10.3.1 did not fix the problem for me.
Usual scenario: everything appears to work at first. My Computer's library shows up on the ATV2 when Home sharing is turned on on the ATV2 and my Mac Mini. It'll work fine for hours. Then, when I come back to the TV to watch a movie, and click down to movies, I get the message that says "There are no movies in this Library" (when, in fact, there are many movies in the library).
Wanted to give an update. I've been experiencing this issue for quite some time now. However, I'm a developer and I updated my iTunes to the new 10.5 (not the public 10.3) and also updated my Apple TV to the newest beta released along side iOS 5... so far, so good.
Normally, my Apple TV will drop the home share connection as soon as it goes to sleep, or after I've streamed something for around 30min. I haven't experienced either yet.
I've only had it installed for 1 day, but I'm hopeful. I'll keep you guys posted.
thanks for those good news Drumman. any idea on when they would be available for the public. Are they going to launch 10.4 first?
In any case is there any way for the common mortals to get those versions. being Betas they may have minor bugs but at least if they solve a major issue I would be happy.
I'll looking forward for furthers news on the reliability of this new realease.
Thanks balord. I've implemented your fix and the ATV has been working fine ever since. Maybe, when I have a bit of time on my hands, I'll unblock the wireless connection and see what happens.
Good news!
As "hardytoothdr" recommended last week, I disabled my ATV2's screen saver & auto sleep functions (both set to "never"). Now both my Mac's itunes and my iphones Pandora & ipod play without interruption.
Of course, it would be better if Apple came up with a permanent fix so that I could enable these other functions, but at least this is a livable temporary fix.
Glad it has helped. Mine works better than it use to, but still drops the homeshare connection on occasion. It has never dropped during a itunes movie play back, but does during music playback. I have found that is still drops the homeshare connection from time to time, but it is able to reconnect on it's own when it is not in sleep mode.
I can still play movies and music through Airplay even when the homesharing drops off..
Very strange, hope apple comes up with a solid firmware/software fix soon.
Surely with all the great things coming out with OS5 and icloud, there will be a big fix :-) It sounds promising the hear what DrumMan says about the not yet released updates.
Well, mine is finally working right again. It was either a restore of the ATV2 or the iTunes 10.3.1 update that got it rolling. Unfortunately, I can't say for sure which one did it as they occurred within 12 hours of each other. MP4's play fine again, and I haven't had a Home Sharing drop out since the update/restore. My suggestion is to try the update, and if it doesn't work, try the restore.
Hopefully, this fix will stick.
Looks like I spoke too soon. Just cut out again.
Add another to the list. ATV2 plays mp4 files fine, all the way through. Drops out after one song whether initiated from ATV2 (from iTunes library), from iPhone to, or initiated from iMac to play over ATV2. Going back to my original ATV which worked just fine. Need a fix Apple.
I have experienced the same problem. itunes 10.3.1, newest ATV firmware. The network is completely fine - it is all up-to-date apple components, works for other services, and worked for years with the ATV1. The ATV2 unpredictably loses the home sharing connection to my itunes library. It is extremely frustrating, and clearly has to do with the ATV2 sharing implementation (none of my other computers or mobile devices loses the home share like this).
Well, I am new to this litany of woes, but...having just updated my iTunes I now discover the ATV2 will not recognise my iTunes library....and I see no help coming....will telephone and make the Apple boys' life unpleasant and get back to all of you....
Alright guys, update to my previous post above....
DrumMan wrote:
Wanted to give an update. I've been experiencing this issue for quite some time now. However, I'm a developer and I updated my iTunes to the new 10.5 (not the public 10.3) and also updated my Apple TV to the newest beta released along side iOS 5... so far, so good.
Normally, my Apple TV will drop the home share connection as soon as it goes to sleep, or after I've streamed something for around 30min. I haven't experienced either yet.
I've only had it installed for 1 day, but I'm hopeful. I'll keep you guys posted
It is still working and it doesn't appear to be iTunes 10.5 related. I'm using the new beta firmware for ATV2 and also using a computer with 10.3 on it, haven't had any problems. When it does come back from sleep, it doesn't show any computers listed, but if you give it a minute, they show up again (which I believe is normal), Before the new ATV2 update, nothing would ever display unless I rebooted. So it looks like the new ATV firmware, which will be released alongside iOS 5 this fall, fixes the issue.
yes, but what about those of us who are not developers and don't have access to 10.5?? I have turned off my screen saver, turned off sleep (on the AT2), done what everyone suggested except drilling holes in my house for new ethernet cables....I mean truly! I'm about to squint at everything on my 13" screen or buy DVDs.
Home Sharing drop out with Apple TV2