Home Sharing drop out with Apple TV2
iMac 27" 3.06 intel core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Airport extreme dual band
iMac 27" 3.06 intel core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Airport extreme dual band
After suffering this problem for several weeks, this morning I turned off Virusbarrier X6. Now streaming for over 3 hours with no problem. Before it wouldn't work for more than a minute or 3.
I have checked "trust apple tv" and added its ip address to the "trusted" addresses, to no avail. There is a definite conflict betwen apple tv 2 and virus barrier X6. I am now waiting for a response from Intego support.
Had the same problems since the ATV update. Updated iTunes to 10.2.2 yoday and watched 2 hours with no problems. Hopefully Apple solved it here.
OK apparently I fooled myself into thinking I had this fixed by turning off Virusbarrier X6. Not so. It just started dropping out again. Back to square one. The recent iTunes upgrade hasn't helped either. Very frustrating.
I too am experiencing the same issues with ATV 2. I'm using the latest software for both ATV 2 and iTunes (on a Mac). Home sharing used to work great, but now the "computer" section is not recognized in ATV 2, even though it looks like everything is synced up correctly (and is exactly the same as when it did work).
I'm not using Virusbarrier, so I can't test that work around. Is there another work around? (I've already reset, etc.) and nothing's working.
Any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks!
Same problem here. Every 1--3 Minutes the connection is broken. ATV is on the first menu now. Nothing helps. All since the last update. Nothing like this before. Where is the fix?
I have spent quite a bit of time with telephone support trying to resolve this. The last suggestion was to update my antiquated ethernet router. Soooo... I sprung the $$$ for an Airport Extreme. The Airport Extreme is great, but it did NOT solve my problem.
I had a Airport Extreme before the update and my system worked great. I don't care what they tell you it's in the update. I don't understand why they are running everybody around with modems and virus software problems.
My router is airport extreme, with Imac, Apple TV2, newest updates, the problem is there. I think the updates are the problem. I don't know if it is Itunes or the apple TV, but since this updates I notice the broken homesharing connection. The apple TV is connected with ethernet cable.
Well, sorry to bust the bubble here.... but this is a EASY fix.... the part you guys are missing is it is indeed in the router, you must dedicate a IP to both machines (shared lib, ATV), and turn renew to a longer length of time....
what is happening is when either machine is renewing its IP, you are dropping connection...
[insert applause]
Why this is first started after the updates of ATV and Itunes. Al my ethernet connected machines have fix IPs. I think there is no renewing. But I will testing this issues... thx
It's not in the modem. Both of my ATV2's have fixed IP's. I'm not having the drop connection problem. my problem is that after you watch something on ATV you have to go to iTunes and shut it down and reopen iTunes to get the ATV to see the library. I never had that problem before the updat.
Hey eloBROWN I give you the applause, I think this was the problem. Through ATV Update the fix IP is gone, the ATV has a new IP through DHCP from the router. I have changed this in a fix IP and now there are no drop outs. Thx!!
But why ATV don't function with DHCP?
Hey Manfred,
Not sure why, but just so we are on the same page, i have assigned a IP to the mac address of my ATV on my router, and left all network settings "as is" on the ATV... then in the future when there are updates and such, i wont have to remember to go back and update the settings all over again....
(same goes for my itunes Lib machine)
please assign the machine with your itunes Lib a dedicated ip, via the router (as above)... see if that helps ?....
Points of interest
I do not use DHCP on my router. All devices on the network, including the ATV2 and the iTunes Lib Computer (iMac running 10.6.7) have now and have always had static addresses.
I purchased ATV2 after release of OS 4.2 specifically for MLB capabilities, so I have only ever run OS 4.2, currently running 4.2.1. Additionally have only ever run with wireless connection.
Homesharing of all music and video files worked perfectly, until approximately a week ago when I upgraded my iTunes to 10.2.2.
Currently experiencing list of problems as discussed in this thread, including dropped streams, slow or endless loads all over Homesharing. All internet sources work flawlessly.
Fixes attempted
1. Opened TCP port 3689 and UDP port 5353 to allow homesharing and bonjour communication: nofix
2. Assigning traffic on said ports with highest priority in QoS settings to ensure no "traffic jams": nofix
3. Disabled QoS entirely: nofix
4. Reset iTunes password, reset ATV2, reset iTunes Lib Computer, reset router, reset cable modem: nofix
5. Turned homesharing off and on: nofix
6. Temporarily disabled all network firewalls: nofix
Frustrated and not easy explaining lack of functionality to the girlfriend.
Hey apple geniuses, can I get a 4.2.2, or maybe a 10.2.3 so I can stream my library again? It is kind of an important feature. Thanks.
Unfortunately, it appears that assigning a static IP is not a viable workaround for all users. This is an iTunes bug. Even if a static IP resolved the dropouts, it still means an iTunes update broke DHCP.
I'm disappointed that, after almost two months, a bug that makes my Apple TV unusable has not been fixed.
Home Sharing drop out with Apple TV2