LOL... maybe it was the same person who made all are thre Ipads.. hahahahaha 😉
I just hope that the one they will give me next thursday will be 100%. I am sure of one thing. I want to open it and test it before changing mine I have. This because I have a case number. Otherwhise Apple will think I have changed it and everything is ok. And than if I complain the next day about the new one, they might not want to change it again.
I just keep that idea that the extra 4 weeks since the launch in the USA they may have solved the problem. ALthought I don´t understand how these ipads passes the Quality check. Still, more and more I believe that the HAD TO make the release date, so they thought "just sell the stuff and if people complain we will change them, as long as they buy it and are happy". cause if they didn´t released the 11th of MArch it qould have been a disaster with critics all over the place.
keeping my fingers crossed/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png/___sbsstat ic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png/___sbsstatic___/migration-ima ges/migration-img-not-avail.png/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-n ot-avail.png