guy, i bought a new ipad, came with backlight bleeding, so i change for another one, came with very little bleeding, but the lcd came with a red tint in the top part of the display, like a white-pink tint, i give up, i ask my money back and i will not buy another one, is unaceptable a device of 579 euros come with problems, no matter if are minimal or big, a device that costs 600 euros cannot come with these kind of issues, my opinion is the problem is the LG displays, before apple devices come with samsung lcd that have a great quality, but the samnsung and apple starts to fight and apple stop to buy components from samsung, so now apple works with crap LG lcds, sharp LCD, if i remember the psp 3000 from sony used to come with sharp LCD that have scanlines in all PSP 3000, apple must buy samsung LCD again, they have a great quality, i think 98% of all ipads 2 and 3 have display issues but the peoples are so exicited with
"my ipad, i got a ipad" that just cant see problems, but they still there, my sugest is, give back your ipads, ask money back, and wait to buy a new one, because apple devices are very expensive to come with problems even if they are minimal, a device of 600 or 800 canot come with any problem, APPLE RESPECT YOUR COSTUMERS AND SELL GOOD THINGS NOT CRAP WITH IOS.