mac keeper?
mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
No probs. it was an Irish Visa Card. Guess the Irish banks are in enough trouble ha ha.
I doubt that an Irish bank is going to be of much help here in Colorado.
It is great to know that they are looking after you so well.
so what is going on with my MacBook Pro then? I just purchased it in Jan, 2011 and it is acting exactly like our PC desktop did last year when it was infected with viruses, malware, etc. and we had to hire a tech to come out and clean it all off.
here is what it is doing:
-if I visit a site multiple times in one day, it will eventually lock me out; says "invalid URL". I can go to Google and re-search, type in the URL in upper box, etc. and it won't let me in. I simply close Safari and wait until next day, then I can get back in
-my amazon account is locked due to "unusual activity"
These seem like virus and/or malware activity, don't you think? Any thoughts are appreciated.
I cannot offer any help with your problems but do not install Mac Keeper. Its **** and will only make your system worse.
The Amazon issue sounds like someone hacked your account. How secure is your password? Has Amazon given you any indication of how to resolve it?
For the other issue, are you using Safari? Or a different browser? Are they updated to the latest version?
In all honesty, Lion is still ironing out some bugs, so it could be that or a cache issue in your browser.
It's not a virus, and like K182 said, certainly do not buy MacKeeper.
I installed MacKeeper yesterday (I hadn't seen your post). I had a Mac software update pending and decided to do that this morning. Firstly this update didn't work due to unforseen errors. At the second time of trying, it installed, and of course my MacPro needed to restart and it just hung there with Apple logo and spinning "gearwheel".
AppleCare came to the rescue. They tried everything by 'phone over the 90 minutes of guidance. Nothing.
They then recommended I reinstall Lion, and hey presto five and a half hours later my system works again. I have uninstalled MacKeeper and hopefully my system is none the worse for wear. Fingers crossed.
Although you have reinstalled Lion I would recommend using the advice given in this link.
When I scanned the system after doing the uninstall as described in the link I still found mackeeper and zeobit files lurking in the system.
Since carrying out the steps in the above link I have hardly seen an advert for mackeeper and my system is running fine. I actually think Mackeeper was slowing the system down.
I know sfa about computers but Mackeeper is evil.
I must concur that removal of MacKeeper is a non-trival task. Once it gets its grubby paws into a computer it doesn't want to let good for anyrthing.
App Cleaner, hands down the best way to get rid of an app and all it's associated plugins, library items, hidden files, etc. (of which you'll find a few from MacKeeper)
Sorry to burst your bubble but the user I had to help get rid of MacKeeper had tried using AppCleaner. It left so much junk from MacKeeper of the Mac it was just about unusable.
In addition to that, when I tested AppCleaner, it failed to make it out of sandbox for the poor performance I saw. It failed miserably to meet the claims that were made for it. So I flushed it from my sandbox.
Thank you all for your contributions re MacKeeper. I seem to be free of it so far. I dragged it to trash, searched the system for "bits and pieces" of it afterwards. Watch this space for updates if it raises it's head again.
When I called Zeobit on their UK phone number to complain about the issues I had had, they immediately offerred a refund and it was credited to my PayPal account within an hour of the call.
No bubble bursting here. Didn't even know I'd created one. But I do know that after running into the same problems with MacKeeper, and unable to uninstall or delete in any conventional way, AppCleaner was delightfully effective and easy to use.
Bubble Boy
You wouldn't happen to work for AppCleaner by any chance?
Why the conspiracy theories when someone likes a product that works? I was just trying to be helpful, and no, I certainly don't work for AppCleaner. I'm just a long-time Mac user (1987) who likes a product that works. My final word: it worked for me. I was happy. Hope it works for others…
scoastmike: without in any way wishing to criticise you or anyone else in this forum, it is a sad fact that dubious software houses will create IDs in lots of forums pretending to be independant consumers, thereby trying to sway opinion
mac keeper?