Yes. I am blaming the iPad because it is the iPad that very much appears to be crashing it.
And no, if a new router works fine, it doesn't necessarily mean my current one is faulty - more likely (given the size of this forum) it means that the iPad doesn't play well with some routers, including mine. If my router is faulty, why do all my other devices work fine with it? <<== Please answer this, don't just pretend you didn't read it.
As I said, nothing else crashes it, therefore it must be the iPad - there's nothing unreasonable about that. Going to a store to buy a new router to try it out with the intention of returning it, as people keep suggesting is immoral. How would you like it if someone did that to your business? How would you like it if the item you bought was really second hand?
Let me break it down for you - over the years I have had the following:
ALDI laptop #1 - 100% working
DELL laptop #1 - 100% working
DELL laptop #2 - 100% working
ALDI laptop #2 - 100% working
DELL desktop #1 - 100% working
DELL desktop #2 - 100% working
ALDI netbook - 100% working
Nokia phone #1 - 100% working
Nokia phone #2 - 100% working
Visiting parents' laptop - 100% working
Nokia phone #3 - 100% working
Nokia phone #3 - 100% working
Blackbeery phone - 100% working
Nintendo DS - 100% working
Apple Mac Mini - 100% working
Apple iPad - 25% working - seem completely random.
It is pretty obvious to which device has the problem.
Glad that you're trying to help, but if you just say "mine works therefore there's no problem" then you're not helping at all. Sure, some iPads are working just great. But nearly 100 pages on this forum would indicate that a lot are not. Not everyone can simply change their router (mine is supplied by the Cable company), and not everyone is prepare to defraud a retailer to fix their problem (except Apple, now I'd happily do that).
Maybe you should go and help out in the forum about the new ipads overheating :-)