Okay.. so many people are overexadurating on issues they do not know about. Before my rant, to give myself some level of credibility: I have a degree in computer science. I own a web development firm. I do web dev and unix server administration & netowrking on a daily basis. I have been using macs for a decade.
The alteration by Terminal IS DANGEROUS and there's NO WAY this should be done - even by a professional.
This is just plain wrong. Many applications change this file, such as MAMP. I would imagine there are cases when core apple services do the same, such as when using web sharing.
Think about that logically ... if it were that easy, Apple would probably provide that solution in an update.
Solution to what? Apple doesn't block advertisers. The issue is not one that is harmful to the computer, it's just annoying. The solution I provided is to rid of the annoyance.
You are ONLY stopping zerobit served ads. Most pop unders are served BY THE SITES you visit ~ not by Zerobit.
Again, wrong. I'd guess less than 1% of websites serve their own ads. Probably less than 0.01%. Infact, most are served from advertising agencies such as Google ads, cox, etc. In *my* particular instance with these zeobit ads, they were all being served by zeobit's domains. I'm not claiming the solution will 100% block every zeobit ad, but it will certainly help.
With the hosts file in particular, it really can't do any irreperable damage to your machine. Worst case is that if you manage to screw it up, your netowrking could go down. So, a revised solution:
1. Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
1b. Type sudo cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak
2. Type sudo nano /etc/hosts
3. Paste these 2 lines at the bottom: zeobit.com mackeeperapp.zeobit.com
4. Hit Control-x, then y, then enter to save
5. Type dscacheutil -flushcache into terminal
6. Restart Safari.
7. If for any reason you're unsatsfied with the changes, open terminal and type sudo mv /etc/hosts.bak /etc/hosts to restore all your previous settings. Do a dscacheutil -flushcache afterwards to activate the reverted changes.
If you don't want to do it, then don't. But don't tell people that their computer is going to explode if they follow a perfectly normal process.