I've tried twice to solve the problem, separated for three months jus to wait some update from Apple, and the problem is not solved whatever solution you try is just for a while.
Last solution I was able to connect reasonably fine was install rEFI, install Ubuntu. With Ubuntu in my Mac I've been able to connect without any problem to my wifi Network and even to the magic mouse. Once you restart in Mac OSX Snow Leopard the wifi was there connected and with a strenght signal, as in Leopard version was, but was unable to connect to my Magic Mouse.
So, I can coclude that Snow Leopard is not an ended version for old MacBook1,1 (Boot ROM Version MB11.0061.B03) the wireless connections are not correctly resolved. As soon as I come back with Time Machine to my old Leopard everything works fine as far as everybody would expect from an Apple product.
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