FYI: Problem is back. Resetting my router (Airport Express, purchased 1.5 yrs ago) gives me the longest reprieve - sometimes for 5 days, sometimes for 2 - but that's obviously not a real solution. I'm definitely not a networking expert, but it seems like a communications issue between my upgraded computer and the router, but the router shows that is has the latest firmware.
Many times when my internet drops, my computer will say that my wifi connection is great and even my access to the internet appears in settings to be going strong, but when I go to load the Airport utility to see specifics on my Airport Express router, the utility can't find it, at least until I change something within my Airport network preferences.
It's so weird how the problem manifests: I will have working internet, browsing great and quickly, then I get the grey Connecting in my browser tab. Sometimes it will happen over and over with the same link (for example: I try to complete a Google search in the search bar and it stalls, but I can access other bookmarks or links immediately. Not always those specifics, but you get the idea.) Most times it "builds" until I can't access anything and need to reset some setting. It feels like it's some weird cache getting filled up until it gets overloaded then shuts down.
Forgot the mention in my first post that I zapped pram and fixed disk permissions to no avail, and I use a cable modem through Comcast. Also, I upgraded from 10.4.11. Maybe skipping 10.5 completely left me without something I need or a setting that isn't properly updated?