There are some clear regressions in the graphics support for 10.6.7 versus 10.6.6. I have a MacBook Pro 13" from 2011 with the Sandy Bridge GPU. To demonstrate this problem try my OSX raycasting software and choose View/ShowGradient
The image looks fine for the low resolution default Borg image, but on 10.6.7 the texture is all wrong for the larger images (e.g. the UNC image is shown, with correct 10.6.6 on top and 10.6.7 below).
The OpenGL command I use to load the gradient map image (since OSX does not support glTexImage3Dext) is...
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0,GL_RGBA, Xsz, Ysz,Zsz,0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,@VolRGBA[0]);
This appears to fail for 3D textures of ~128^3 or larger. I would be curious whether users with discrete GPUs also have problems with these large textures on OSX 10.6.7... The problem is not only for GL_RGBA, you also see it for GL_ALPHA8 if you have larger textures (RGBA consumes four times the memory of A only).