How so select text from cursor till the end of document?
Why do I need this? I am using Apple's (very cool!) speech capabilities to read a long Word document out loud to me - to help me proofread.
iPhone 3G, MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
iPhone 3G, MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I struggled with this one for quite a while. Simple solution for MS Word users- Press Shift from the beginning of the text and while keeping it pressed, scroll down to the end of the document and click till where you want to get the selection.
jsd2's response works perfectly in Word 2011.
In Xcode, it is Shift–Command–Down.
Navigation with keys is generally a pain in Mac OS – every now and there different rules apply of how to get to the start or end of a line or a document. Regarding this, free desktop environments (XFCE, Gnome, KDE, etc.) as well as Windows are much more unified: it simply is always the home/end button.
Press the following:
Shift + fn + command + right arrow button.
This will select ALL text AFTER the position of the cursor.
Please note : this is on a Macbook Pro
How so select text from cursor till the end of document?