This issue has several reasons, like installed apps downloaded from web or from App Store but with an old Mac ID (if you have an second hand device) or with another ID logged in App Store. In any case the solution below works.
1. Open Terminal (e.g. with Spotlight typing "Terminal" without quotes)
2. You have to build an unix based database of your whole drive including system/hidden files. Copy this command to terminal and press enter:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
Since you have to use "sudo" command, you will be promtped for your administrator password.
3. Wait several minutes until an background process finishes.(You can monitor it in Activity Monitor signed as "notassigned" user or something like this)
4. Type following command in terminal and press enter:
locate _MASReceipt/
This will show you several folders you have to check. Start with the first one even if you´re shure it´s not the one.
5. Open Finder and press Cmd+Shift+G paste the copied adress and press enter.
6. Make a copy of receipt file to some folder where you don´t need admin rights for editing (for example /Downloads)
7. Open the receipt file with an Text Editor
8. Locate the line where it shows: "com.NameOfYourProblemApp"
9. If it´s not the App you experiencing trouble with, try the next folder from the search results starting with step 5.
10. After you located the receipt file with the App ID you want to disappear, just delete the whole line containing "com.NameOfYourProblemApp"
11. Save the edited file and move it back to the _MASReceipt/ folder where it comes from by overwriting the old one. Admin password will be prompted.
12. Reboot and enjoy