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Final Cut Pro X

I guess that as Apple has told the world about FCP 10 then (basic) questions can be asked....

1) Do you still need to (officially) transcode into Quicktime? or will it handle say DVCPro HD natively?
2) Is there upgrade pricing or does everyone pay $299 regardless
3) A video I saw had the presenter refer to FCP 10... if I'm using the latest which is 7 where did 8 & 9 go?


Message was edited by: hvxuser

17" i7 MacBookPro 8GB, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 7200 Hard Disk

Posted on Apr 13, 2011 3:28 AM

1,741 replies

Jul 8, 2011 8:00 PM in response to christopherfromsan rafael

Idon't know what to think. I trusted apple, I love my Final CutExpress. I want to switch FCE for something more. Options are:


-Premiere+AfterEffects+PhotoShop+...=$450 (Academic)

I'mworried if I buy FCPX I will learn program which knowledge won't giveme job in the future. On the other hand I don't think Apple wouldgive up with Pro Market. More Pro's use FCP than Avid or Premiere.Most BIG Video Studios Have FCP. They wouldn't do something so stupid- from marketing point of view it would be irrational. Apple hasnever failed in my eyes. They are expensive, but would you changeyour Mac for PC with windows? iPhones, iPads, iStupidThings are muchmore advanced technologically (and logically) than other stuff. SinceApple was born, they have only improved. I know they are greedy, butwhich company isn't? They won't give you iPhone X even if they have.They will give you iPhone 3G, than 3GS, then 4, 5, 6... and so on. IniPod was already place for WiFi. It's marketing, that how it is. Somepeople will pay a lot to have a new toy, some smarter people willwait few months and buy for half of the price. I'm confused what tochoose, but it's hard to believe that the best marketers, marketingpredictors, investors would make so big mistake. Apple changed fewtimes, but every time was for better. With Leopard and then SnowLeopard was the same - that is not stable, and so on. But some peoplewait until they fixed everything and...? We can only guess but everymove made by Apple was profound and made the biggest results. Maybethey are sitting quiet with FCPX and that's why there wasn't bigcommercial campaign, to keep pro people quite. Nobody knows what willbe, some people still use their FCP and are angry about new FCPX.Show me when Apple failed - when Apple, Mac, iPhone, FCP, FCE, LogicPro etc. users were unhappy in the end? Maybe somebody could be upsetabout the price, but Apple doesn't equal cheap.

It'sreally hard to believe that Apple will resign from pro market.

Jul 9, 2011 2:43 PM in response to ScaryHands

ScaryHands wrote:

I'mworried if I buy FCPX I will learn program which knowledge won't giveme job in the future.

Nothing's guaranteed, regardless of the software. It will always rely on your creative and technical skills and talent as an editor. That said, if you're really serious about it, I'd recommend you go with FCP 7 or Avid MC as they're both prominent in all sectors.

ScaryHands wrote:

On the other hand I don't think Apple wouldgive up with Pro Market...

...It'sreally hard to believe that Apple will resign from pro market.

Believe it, the writing's been on the wall for a while now. First they killed Shake, now FCP, Cinema Tools, SoundTrack Pro (no biggy) and Color. COLOR for crying out loud!!!

Logic Pro 9/10/X/Garageband2012 could theoretically be the final nail in Apple's pro coffin. The unfortunate reality is that they seem to be focusing their sights on a very different crowd, with very different requirements, skills and work flows.

Jul 9, 2011 2:53 PM in response to hvxuser

So, aside from what was formerly known as FCP becoming iMovie, is anyone at all worried about Apple's direction with OSX? I mean, Lion bares more than just a few resemblances to IOS by the looks of it right?

It does make me question where the hardware and OS are heading.

Windows is a dead duck to me and has been for as long as I can remember, so if OSX and the accompanying hardware take a similar nose dive to FCPX, then I guess I'll be switching to Linux. That is not something I'd look forward to! Stable? Yes. Pain in the ***? Also yes!

Any thoughts on this?

Jul 9, 2011 3:18 PM in response to Chazfest

I just used my Motion app to mock-up our home landscaping and interior design projects onto photos/videos. The ten minutes spent has saved an hour, and the resulting flexibility and ability to cooberate quickly with my wife (and even realtor and banker) on the best improvements is an under-estimated asset to the home-owner. And that's just the beginning of the beginning of the potential. The Apple model of a self-contained unit, with a universal set of applications, will come back again and again, regardless if it happens at apple or somewhere else. We are gradually settling on limits of the transistor and the usefulness of MORE switches and switching capability to us. Mostly, the potential is vastly underutilized. We now have even big corporate industries trying to slow down the development, like some cold-war era communist, because they are afraid of the future. There is simply no way to avoid the fact that soon enough, and every home will require a fail-safe unit with full media, data, design capability. Maybe even installed like an indoor toilet and bath (which used to be a luxury). 'EOL' to me means 'we can't make it any better'. FPX to me means, 'we have to start over with a new dragnet'.

I hope Apple succeeds at bringing all the most advanced technology and capability to the average teenager, and advances humanity in the face of controlling bankers and fearful, plotting corporate thieves. If they are ever derailed, I hope they are lifted right back on track in short order by their best and brightest.

Jul 9, 2011 5:34 PM in response to hvxuser

I understand Apples desire to reach a general market. But Why must it come at a cost to professional editors who no longer have the control needed to produce professional media?

Where is the monitor output?

Where is the out to tape function?

Where is the interaction with other software?

Seriously guys - what are you thinking???

I was hoping you would finally update DVD studio to do blu-ray. Where is that?

What about the pro plug-ins needed to add sizzle to the reality shows I'm cutting on FCP?

I want desperately to stay with Apple but the choices made in creating version X is forcing me to look at other professional options - at a huge cost!

I have been using Final cut since version 1.5. I LOVED apples advances over the last 10 years - though have been frustrated with the lack of response to the egineering problems with quicktime. Now - it seems as though the professional community has been pushed aside with little to no response over our concerns. We built business over this product and it will cost thousands to rebuild these businesses.

Does FCX have some "cool" features - sure. If you are a consumer. But as a post supervisor and Producer I have to deliver feature films to Japan, German, Austrailia. I have to deliver HDcam tapes to NBC, Discovery, Bravo. (I have delivered dozens of shows to multiple networks and numerous feature world wide using FCP) Now - that is no longer an option which means to do a tape out - I have to switch over to Avid or Premiere. WHY????



Jul 9, 2011 6:02 PM in response to wsdakota

Where is the out to tape function?

Out to tape (and in from tape) in FCP X is dependent on third party hardware/software solutions now. Pretty much all I/O hardware vendors support that (or are working on it). Personally, on this particular "issue" I am nonplussed. I can't see any overriding problem.

What about the pro plug-ins needed to add sizzle to the reality shows I'm cutting on FCP?

You shouldn't need to rely on plug-ins to add sizzle. But for what its worth you have a pretty bloody amazing plug-in available to you in Motion. All the sizzle you can eat.

Jul 9, 2011 10:25 PM in response to fearless

Well, I've given FCX a shot for a week or so now. Had a project shot on 4 Canon AVCHD cams. Thought - hey - I can start editing right away - this can go straight to the web, seems a good test.

First of all, some of the camera archives imported without problem, some did not - no indication as to why. I ended up using ClipWrap to convert the material, but that left me with 2GB sections.

I tried to use the Sync Clip as the 4 cameras were operating at the same time, but it linked up correctly sometimes and other times not - same with the miked audio. Random as to whether it would sync up.

Overall, some interesting ideas in FCX, but I found it just too cumbersome to actually edit - not bad for organizing and finding stuff, but I'm going back to FCP7. Even with having to convert all the material to ProRes LT, it'll still be faster to edit there.

Jul 10, 2011 4:11 AM in response to fearless

fearless wrote:

Andy can I take it you're happy enough with X? I can't decide whether to spend another weekend discovering the hidden gems buried within this thing, or boot a machine up in an Avid partition and bone up on that...

Not really Peter, well maybe, it depends on teh context. I'm not happy with thecurrent incarnation (it is what it is for now and theres bugger all I can do about it) but for the time being I'm happy enough to play with it and see where its strengths and weaknesses lie for my workflows, and wait to see in what direction (and how fast) it moves. I do think its got legs, and in that sense I'm very happy with its potential. In fact I can see it being pretty **** good if Apple decide to listen to and develop it for professionals. (That would appear to be a pretty big IF at the moment tho). I have zero intention of trying to use it for any real work at the moment.

Final Cut Pro X

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