How can I delete all contacts on iPhone 4?
How can I delete all of my contacts on my iPhone 4?
iPhone 4
How can I delete all of my contacts on my iPhone 4?
iPhone 4
Download an app called easy backup from AppStore.....
1 go to sources...
2 then choose the contact source which you want.....
3 then select which contacts you want to delete....
4 then press the delete icon.....
Four easy steps!!!!!!!!!!
download spring clean app. it brings up your full contact list, you can select all with one click, and delete...and its free. SIMPLE!
The most radical solution is to restore your iPhone to factory settings although, I wouldn't recommend that. Here are a number of ways to delete all contacts on iphone.
If you are syncing to the iCloud, simpy disable iCloud contact sync.
easy backup now requires that you purchase another app in order to delete contacts
Easiest Way is to....
1-go to the App Store and download spring cleaning
2-open the app and it will guide you through deleting you contacts
You can delete all contacts with app "Contacts In : Import CSV & Manage Groups"
( ffId=1822652)
You can select all your contacts with one click and delete with another
click Action menu and choose "Delete contacts". Then confirm deletion.
Thank you so much! I have been searching forever how to do this and was about to give up and delete one by one. I hate installing extra apps to do things that should be standard, but thanks for the info!
App - Spring Cleaning!!!!!!!! It is free.
Spring Cleaning - THE BEST 🙂
Spring Cleaning app is no longer free, and didn't work for me—it keeps saying "no contacts" so nothing gets deleted.
You can delete all contacts by erasing all contents from settings.
If you want to save your data then either use app or synchronize with itunes.More detail is shared at
Same exact thing here. Spring cleaning has access to my contacts and still says "No Contacts." Can't find a fix. Frustrating.
Hi the best app i can recommend for you is SPRING CLEAN you will thank me for it eternally save you alot of time and hassle free appppp!!! Let me know how it goes
I use contacts sync for gmail it will sync your contacts and delete them off your iphone or your gmail account also so be cautious and not to delete your gmail contacts aside from that you might accidentally erase your gamil contacts its a good and useful app for wiping out your iphone contacts and resyncing your contacts without itunes even. Yes it can delete your contacts and you must be vary of the fact and not make wrong mistakes so thats on you to make the right choice the app is contacts sync here is a link to it in the app store. ls=1
Im just trying to be helpful and provide a faster and easier way to do something that shouldnt take a whole lot of time to do without being to difficlut. I hope i was helpful.
I usually sign out of my gmail and delete the app after im finished so i dont have future syncing issues because this app does have a complex sync feature built into it. SO to avoid further compexities i just either sign out of my goole account or delete the app after im finished with updating my contacts.
You have to refresh your iphone for "Spring Cleaning" to see your contacts. Great programe for cleaning, especially for the cost of a dollar 😉 IOS 7 is installed.
How can I delete all contacts on iPhone 4?