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Why does my Mac turn itself on (wakeup, startup) at night?

I am running a Mac Mini (Intel Core 2 Duo)on OS X 10.6.7.

It irregularly turns itself on, from shut down state, at about 4 in the morning. I have checked that there are no sheduled alarms in Calendar, or programes set to record on EyeTV, which are the only wakeups I might have set.

This is the Console log from this morning:

25/04/11 4:17:36 AM com.apple.launchd[1] *** launchd[1] has started up. ***

25/04/11 4:17:43 AM blued[16] Apple Bluetooth daemon started

25/04/11 4:17:43 AM mDNSResponder[18] mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.18 (Jan 18 2011 20:25:03) starting

25/04/11 4:17:56 AM bootlog[57] BOOT_TIME: 1303669056 0

25/04/11 4:17:56 AM /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow[46] Login Window Application Started

25/04/11 4:18:01 AM Firewall[83] krb5kdc is listening from :::88 proto=6

25/04/11 4:18:01 AM Firewall[83] krb5kdc is listening from proto=6

25/04/11 4:18:03 AM configd[14] bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)

25/04/11 4:18:03 AM configd[14] DHCP en1: INIT transmit failed

25/04/11 4:18:03 AM configd[14] network configuration changed.

25/04/11 4:18:03 AM configd[14] setting hostname to "Admin-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-Mac-mini.local"

25/04/11 4:18:03 AM configd[14] bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en2) failed: Operation not permitted (1)

25/04/11 4:18:03 AM configd[14] DHCP en2: INIT transmit failed

25/04/11 4:18:03 AM loginwindow[46] Login Window Started Security Agent

25/04/11 4:18:05 AM WindowServer[69] kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.

25/04/11 4:18:05 AM com.apple.WindowServer[69] Mon Apr 25 04:18:05 Admin-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-Mac-mini.local WindowServer[69] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.

25/04/11 4:18:05 AM sudo[123] root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/Library/StartupItems/HWNetMgr/HWNetCfg

25/04/11 4:18:05 AM com.apple.SystemStarter[39] Starting HP IO Monitor

25/04/11 4:18:05 AM com.apple.usbmuxd[38] usbmuxd-211 built on Jan 13 2011 at 04:20:21 on Jan 13 2011 at 04:20:21, running 64 bit

25/04/11 4:18:06 AM Firewall[83] cupsd is listening from :::631 proto=6

25/04/11 4:18:06 AM Firewall[83] cupsd is listening from proto=6

25/04/11 4:18:06 AM com.apple.SystemStarter[39] Starting HP Trap Monitor

25/04/11 4:18:08 AM configd[14] network configuration changed.

25/04/11 4:18:09 AM Firewall[83] Deny cupsd data in from to port 631 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:10 AM Firewall[83] Deny cupsd data in from to port 631 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:10 AM Firewall[83] Deny nmbd data in from to port 137 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:10 AM Firewall[83] Deny nmbd data in from to port 137 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:10 AM Firewall[83] Deny nmbd data in from to port 137 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:10 AM Firewall[83] Deny nmbd data in from to port 137 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:10 AM Firewall[83] Deny nmbd data in from to port 137 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:11 AM Firewall[83] Deny cupsd data in from to port 631 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:11 AM Firewall[83] Deny nmbd data in from to port 138 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:12 AM Firewall[83] krb5kdc is listening from :::88 proto=6

25/04/11 4:18:12 AM Firewall[83] krb5kdc is listening from proto=6

25/04/11 4:18:12 AM Firewall[83] Deny cupsd data in from to port 631 proto=17

25/04/11 4:18:12 AM Firewall[83] Deny nmbd data in from to port 137 proto=17

After that, it records nothing apart from Firewall chatter until I get out of bed and yell at it.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

Posted on Apr 24, 2011 10:52 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Apr 24, 2011 11:22 PM

Do you have Wake On Demand enabled ? If so, Apple says:

With Wake on Demand enabled, your Mac will occasionally wake for a brief time, without lighting the screen, in order to maintain registrations with the Bonjour Sleep Proxy. On some Macs, sounds from the optical drive, hard drive, or fans may be heard during these brief periods.

For full article see: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3774

In addition you can reset SMC http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964- it helped me some time ago when my imac had similar problems.

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Apr 24, 2011 11:22 PM in response to Ali@sTheCat

Do you have Wake On Demand enabled ? If so, Apple says:

With Wake on Demand enabled, your Mac will occasionally wake for a brief time, without lighting the screen, in order to maintain registrations with the Bonjour Sleep Proxy. On some Macs, sounds from the optical drive, hard drive, or fans may be heard during these brief periods.

For full article see: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3774

In addition you can reset SMC http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964- it helped me some time ago when my imac had similar problems.


Apr 24, 2011 11:50 PM in response to JPM-PL

@JPM-PL Thank you. Its a good suggestion. I just checked the SMC article but it does not apply to this problem since I unplug the Mini ever few days and this has not stopped the problem.

@dechamp Thanks also for your suggestion. My setting is unchecked for System Preferences/Energy Saver/Wake for Network Access.

I thought the printer wake up was the problem but after unplugging my network printer and then reinstalling it as a USB printer (which I turn off at night), I still have the problem.


Oct 18, 2012 5:48 AM in response to Ali@sTheCat

I had the same problem except my 27" iMac turned on every morning. I do not have a UPS - it's plugged in only to a surge protector PS. I only noticed the iMac woke up only if I woke up extra early (around 5 am). So, I got on the forums this morning to see if there were any solutions. There are lots of complicated explanations for this phenomenon.

I finally went to my Systems Preferences > Energy Saver > Schedule and saw this - I unchecked the start up box - now I'll wait until tomorrow to see if it fixed the issue. I think I'll leave the "Wake for network access" alone (this was default) to see if the first step fixed the issue.

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Why does my Mac turn itself on (wakeup, startup) at night?

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