Remove MacProtector
How can I remove this program that automatically starts when I boot up?
How can I remove this program that automatically starts when I boot up?
Go into you're Applications and scroll to the bottom and find whats called the Utilities folder and "click" it.
After doing that in that folder look for a Activity Monitor, once you find it click it. When your in the activity monitor
look in the box for the "macprotector" or possibly a another name it could be under and the top left corner
highlight the program an click Quit. After you do this in top right corner in the spotlight try finding the files and
deleting them. Was this helpful? Let me know.
Hi WWhite2010
thanks for the tips, this was very useful for me. I stopped the program as per your guidelines then went back into applications and deleted the whole file (rather than using spotlight as I couldn't remove the files that way, just identify that they were still there).
Thanks once again for your instructions
I did just as you said .I found the Macprotecter in my utilities and stopped it.I didn't see any files at the top right but I went into my applications and deleted the icon there.Is this enough?Hope so,,,Anyway thanks a million man.Glad for people like you.
Using Spotlight to locate a file is a bit tricky, but you accomplished the same thing by trashing the file, which you refer to as an icon, from your Applications folder.
Now open your Download folder and get rid of the source of the problem by trashing the files named "" and "MacProtector.mpkg".
While your there you might want to clean your Downloads folder up by moving any files you want to keep somewhere else and trashing everything else. That way you will know what's being downloaded to your computer and hopefully why in the future.
Wow ,you people are fast and really helpful.I am just learning about computers and this Mac was my first ever computer.I went to downloads and cleaned out all the Macprotector stuff and the other anti malware too.I am sure about some of the downloads that are still there but others are showing little pages and I am not sure if they are some kind of program or something I need.I opened them to see if they would let me know what is in them but the information there doesn't help me .Listen, thanks again for your support man/woman.I am really grateful for it.Some of this language is still foreign to me ,but I'm catching on pretty good.Your help must put alot of new users at ease ,I know I felt that way when you helped.Oh yeah something else,When I went in to stop the MacProector a bunch of Gay **** jumped on the screen for a couple seconds.I have no idea where that came from and wondered if it could have been hooked to the phony Protector .Anyway it's gone with the rest of it I hope.Have a good one.You sure helped alot.
Thanks madmacs0, that's a good tip. I haven't had my MacBook for very long and I thought that apples software was pretty robust when it came to blocking malware, so it's awful to know how to check these things myself.
In response to billfromfrederiction, I also had the same unwelcome Screen pop up on my computer after macprotector added itself to my downloads since I've removed the malware I've had no problems at all.
Using Spotlight to find files is the quickest and easiest way. When you find a file in Spotlight clicking on it will take you to where the file is located. Just FYI.
Yes, I'm aware of that, but since he had already found it I didn't elaborate.
Also turn off "Open "Safe" files after downloading " in Safari Preferences. The fake Web page is just that fake and it cannot scan your disk.
Hi, here is how to remove it by yourself...
Script that I create which, will help you remove it ..... (Let me know using the contact at that site.)
What is does.
Depending on the version it just creates a bunch of random fake notification and claims your infected. If you keep getting it then most likely you have Allow popups and "Open Safe files" in safari on. The only damage is if you give the criminals that created it your Credit Card.
It is changing so it depend on the version but these two links should help.
great help thanks bill fromnantwich
-have user quit all apps
-have user force quit safari
-have user open activity monitor and force quit mac defender/Security/Protector
-quit activity monitor
-have user delete mac defender/Security/Protector from downloads & applications folder
-have user do a Spotlight search for 'MacDefender/Security/Protector'/'Mac Defender/Security/Protector' and move any Mac defender/Security/Protector files to the trash
-have user go to system prefs>accounts>login items> and delete mac defender/Security/Protector from start up list
-have user restart
-have user empty trash
Hi, I also created a Script that does all this for you which you can download at the following address.
When it runs you just need to tell it where MacDefender/Protector is. Select it and it will take care of the rest.
It works with the following App
OSX/MacDefender. A ---> MacDefender
OSX/MacDefender. D ---> MacProtector
OSX/MacDefender.F ---> MacProtector
Thank you, worked perfectly.🙂
Remove MacProtector