is it safe to download the mackeeper?
i think my mac book pro has a bug, and i had a popup called mackeeper that says it can clean up my mac, is it safe to download the mac keeper?
MacBook Pro
i think my mac book pro has a bug, and i had a popup called mackeeper that says it can clean up my mac, is it safe to download the mac keeper?
MacBook Pro
MacKeeper is horrible malware that causes a "virus warning" to pop up in your browser that freezes the functionality of your computer until you force quit the browser several times. I'm STILL trying to get rid of it! You are misrepresenting your product and I can't imagine what you are gaining from hijacking peoples computers like this other than an evil twisted chuckle. Why don't you show some good will towards the "legitimacy" of your product and tell us how to stop this annoying malicious virus addware that all of sudden started popping up AFTER we did the free (except for the major headache of this software) download? I have deleted it from my system (which was a headache as well) and now I'm getting this popup which I NEVER got before this bogus mackeeper program.
Do not use clean My Mac or any other item of that type. Your Mac should not need any attention of that nature. If you have a particular problem start a new thread. Mackeeper are unlikely to reply and less likely to repay you. I hate to say this but the effort of pursuing it isn't worth your current losses but if it was supplied from a British address you could look at the small claims court. I cannot advise further on legal matters.
DO NOT download Clean My Mac. Any and all programs claiming to "clean" your Mac serve no purpose. Clean My Mac in particular is a well known scam just like MacKeeper, and has been known to cause harm to Macs. Search these forums for "clean my Mac" and see for yourself.
Flossie, I (and now others more senior to me) have told you you do not need clean my mac or any other of its kind. Your Mac will look after itself unless you go walking on the wild side. Browse with care and do not download from sites you are not fully acquainted with. As I said. If you really have a specific problem start a new thread and tell us about it.
From what I have seen in my testing of CleanMyMac, I must disagree with your recommendation of CMM. Besides not being able to actually do a very good job of clean up a Mac, it had a habit of deleting things that crippled the operating systems. For this reason I strongly recommend it not be installed on Macs.
Thank you so much Linc. What do you recommend? my system is so very very slow. and I have followed all of the generic "speed up" information I have found online for months. It was never this slow before. And things have only sped up minimally for a few days then back to slow again.
Is it because programs/browsers/etc. use up more memory cpu than five years ago?
I just need to know if the capabilities of this hardware are at their max, or if there is literally junk I can clean up or get to in order to make this computer perform at a generally satisfactory speed.
Startup is SO slow. Like I said, I have tried SO many things. Everythign I can find sans downloading an application or program to "cleanup".
sierra 10.12.1
iMac 21.5 inch, late 2009
processor 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
startup mac HD
graphics NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB
Download and run Etrecheck from
Post the resulting report here. I HIGHLY recommend you start a new thread to do so instead of tacking on to this one.
etrecheck is a diagnostic tool that will give us (and you) more information as to your system configuration, and what's running on it that may be slowing things down, allowing us to make recommendations for fixing it.
THIS IS A LIE!!!!!!! DO NOT DOWNLOAD MACKEEPER!!!!!!! I downloaded mackeeper and all it does is open new windows when I go to safari. When I try to click on mackeeper to uninstall it or quit it mackeeper opens about 15 different windows and my mouse turns into the spiny rainbow wheel of death. DO NOT DOWNLOAD MACKEEPER!!!!!!!
Not only is it a lie, but the original post is nearly 5 and a half years old and that almost turns it into fable. If you still have a problem do what we have advised over the years.
Start a new thread, set out your problem and people will answer you. Most people will skip this post for its antiquity.
The answer, summarized, is no.
Mostly all popups that come up at random times are not safe. You should still NEVER download an app from a random popup.
MacKeeper will do what it says, but instead of cleaning files you don't need, it cleans EVERYTHING.
Never download any cleaning apps you are not completely sure are safe.
Hopefully you read this - Conrad
I had the same problem. A tech from Apple helped me get rid of all the hidden files that had been installed. It's a nuisance and you can get the same utility features other places. My suggestion is to NOT install it.
DO NOT install mackeeper..
i was surfing safari and suddenly my mac screen went black and froze then it came back on and on my top bar mackeeper was there. i didn't even install it! then i deleted it in library and applications also anything else i could find then mackeeper was gone.But i'm still watching closely to see if it comes back.ðŸ˜
I did a recent update On my MacBook air 3 days ago a pop-up called MacBook keeper said "clean up unnecessary files " and I downloaded it. I went to get some paperwork off my desktop and ALL of documents and files (hundreds) are gone! I was never able to do the backup to that external drive so I have no copies (except paper) of every download I had on my laptop. I don't know what to do!
Mine woks fine for me
is it safe to download the mackeeper?