personal hotspot in iphone 4 is missing
i updated my iphone IOS from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 then my personal hotspot was missing... can someone help me..
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.2
i updated my iphone IOS from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 then my personal hotspot was missing... can someone help me..
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.2
if you cannot seen it in setting ,
go setting --------General -------Netwrok---------Personal Hotspot-----------Active it from here.
After active from here you can see in Main setting .
I also have the same problem but i solve it already ,,
First go to Setting>General>network>cellular data then go there
And select rest all network setting then ok after that try to go there in setting>general>network>
You will find personal hotspot check it on .
P.s: if you received any carrier updated click yes and make update
Also you can log into cellular data after check it off then on you will get inside there ,
I think it will be fixed ..
Same thing on my iPh4 with latest released SW: Personal Hotspot not appearing as an alternative.
After "reset" like adivced above it is now showing and I am able to use it like intented.
Thanks to Hessless!
I have the fix if anyone hasn't figured it out yet... Please let me know...
I had the same issue and I had to uninstall the Onavo application and it's associated profile to enable the hotspot option. Sounds like the option is disabled if you have your 3G data routed through any type of app that uses a 3rd party proxy server for Internet access. I have a valid tethering data plan through AT&T.
If you have the fix why not just post it?
Just FYI; removing the Onavo application I mentioned above did fix the issue for me. After removing the application go to Settings -General and look to see if you have a button marked Profiles. Make sure you've backed up your iPhone and then remove any profiles you see there. Check the normal place mentioned before to enable the Personal Hotspot and it should be visible.
Worked fine, thx!
well if you do have the "Cellular Data Network" tab enter "" into APN internet tethering section. leave the username and password blank.
Hi there, guys:
A brief recap: I checked this and other sources in the Internet and was able to make it work, both in USB- and WIFi-mode.
iOS: Understanding Personal Hotspot -
iPhone: Troubleshooting Personal Hotspot -
from here:, specially useful comments from Calvin Chung & asiffromislamabad
Some elements to consider:
* things don't happen immediately: for example, iPhone will continue to broadcast (or so it seems) the Wifi signal even after you turn WiFi off. Perhaps is the laptop who "caches" the SSID (WiFI identifier)
* sometimes the same linking doesn't work on the same try. Once connected, it's solid.
* you gotta have all services up to see the "personal hotspot" option. I don't believe it has to do with (artificial) restrictions on the carrier data plan or anything like that, looks like it's just a matter of proper configuration on the iPhone
* make sure you completed Network>> Cellular Data Network >> Internet Tethering entry. If you don't know them for your carrrier, just copy those of "Cellular Data" above
* once set and working, "Personal Hotspot" entry (on 4.3.2, at least) will migrate from Networking to
Note: didn't try Bluethooth (shouldn't be a problem). Also, WiFi only worked from my iPhone to an iPad, but was unable to set a Windows7 PC to work, couldn't get past the encryption password
hi Guys
after fiddling with my new iPhone 4 for a while, i realised my PC cant read the Personal Hotspot anyway (either USB, WiFi, Bluetooth) because I changed the WiFi Password, and hitch here is I cant remember the original password
Anyone know how i can re-generate a new workable password? Or is there other way out of this? thanks ahead
I would like to add the solution that worked for me when I had the same issue.
Navigate to: Settings>General>Network>Cellular Data Network
If you scroll down past Cellular Data and MMS settings you should see Internet Tethering. You need to fill in the setting APN under this heading. Check with your service provider for what needs to be in here. In my case it was simply "Internet". Username and Password was not required.
Once this is done do a reset of the phone (it can't hurt) and you will see personal hot spot appear inSettings as well as Settings>General>Network.
Hope this helps.
That's the best answer, two thumbs up!
I found this problem too but I can fix by seting all cellular network by put all APN data. You can get this information from all your Carrier web site
For thais people if you use True move-h please go to this link.
Good luck all.
This works well (iOS 4.3.5) just like Hessless writes. Reset the Network settings, NOT the entire phone (which I tried first and wasn't helped by - plus it took 8 hours...).
Again: Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. Personal Hotspot came back, and I didn't have to re-enter any APN or other info.
Hi everyone. I myself is on ios 4.3.3. what my problem was that after resetting the internet settings my personal hotspot had vanished from everywhere possible on my iphone. I discovered that my settings in Mobile Data Network such as the Mobile Data, MMS and Internet Tethering had dissapered. I searched for these settings from my networks forum and input them in again.. After about a minute the personal hotspot feature appeared again. so my advice is to get your settings from a google search or something and input the data required. I hope this helps.
personal hotspot in iphone 4 is missing