personal hotspot in iphone 4 is missing
i updated my iphone IOS from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 then my personal hotspot was missing... can someone help me..
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.2
i updated my iphone IOS from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 then my personal hotspot was missing... can someone help me..
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.2
if you cannot seen it in setting ,
go setting --------General -------Netwrok---------Personal Hotspot-----------Active it from here.
After active from here you can see in Main setting .
Hello. I still can't solve the missing personal hotspot problem despite trying all the solutions stated. Can anyone please help me? :S
If you have really tried everything in this thread, your phone is not jailbroken, and you have a tethering package on your account with your carrier then we can't help you, as the thread contains the collective wisdom of a number of people over the course of several months.
This may help someone....I had the same issue, and none of the troubleshooting steps online resolved it..
(BTW, sorry if this is already in this thread...I haven't read the whole thing)
Check any apps that you've installed since Personal Hotspot went missing.
For me, I realized that I installed an app called Onavo....disabling this app caused personal hotspot to show up again.
i had this problem and removing the onavo app solved all the problems.goto settings,general,then prfile and if you have onavo set as profile then remove it, this worked for me hope this helps.
1)setting>general>networks > if u seen hotspot option turn it on (if not)
2)setting>general>network>cellular datanetwork>(scroldown)internet tethering>enter APN (if this does not work)
3)setting>general>network>cellular datanetwork>(scroldown)internet tethering>reset setting.(then enter APN )
4)if problem still persist do following.
a)call ur mobile operator check it they have any restriction on tethering
b) hard reset ur mobile
c) as a last resort restore via iTunes (only factory unlock iPhones )
After the step u did just respring ur iphone....Goodluck👿----->hope it works
When i go to network i dont have that option of personal hot spot on and off
Either your carrier does not offer it or you have not subscribed to the service with your carrier.
Hi Mr. Fredrik or anyone, I would like to re-confirm if I'm using 4.2.1 is it able to use the "Persona Hotspot" service?
I'm sooo agreed to delete the ONAVO's app. It's works for me. Thanks
l3osastre wrote:
I had the same problem with my iPhone's HOTSPOT, I tried almost everything but nothing. Then I found the problem, It was this app that I had called ONAVO, this app was causing my HOTSPOT not to appear in Settings or in Network. So I removed it and REBOOTED my iPhone and my PERSONAL HOTSPOT was there. HOP THIS HELPED!
Thanks so much this worked for me! I was on ios 4.1 previously and my carrier told me to update to 5.1. After a long painful journey to update my ios, I still couldnt find the hotspot and had to reset all my settings. That didn't work and my carrier told me to restore my iphone. Before doing that, I searched online and came across this thread, deleted Onavo and my hotspot popped up! 🙂
Ya, Personal Hotspot Settings are carrier dependent;
I recently shifted to a new service provider through ‘Mobile Number Portability’ (MNP) option & found that my Hotspot option was not there in the place. This was because the new carrier was not having it’s own data services in the region. It was using another carrier’s data services & this required few settings to be done manually.
After studying this discussion, I got what I wanted, what I did was - > Network > Mobile Data Network > Internet Tethering – Enter the APN name same as there in Mobile Data (on Top) & it started working.
-Thanks Forum 🙂
Thank you. This totally helped me, after I have spoken to four reps today!
worked for me, I have onavo running and no personal hotpsot, followed the instructions and it works fine, still have onavo running. thanks
I figured out why my personal hotspot disappeared. It was because of an app called Onavo. That app also caused my MMS messaging to other non-iphone contacts to stop sending. Once I deleted the app everything worked again!
Go To Settings -> General -> Network -> Cellular Data Network -> Fill out Internet Tethering Setting
Internet Tethering Setting is Generaly same as of Cellular Data Settings
this is provided by your network provider. I use Telenor Pakistan. My settings are APN: internet , Username: Telenor (Case Sensitive) Password: Telenor (Case Sensitive)
Restart Your iPhone
Personal Hotspot will be there.. ENJOY!!!!! i hope problem solved
personal hotspot in iphone 4 is missing