Spam Filter for iPad?
Is there a way to filter the iPad Mail app for spam?
Is there a way to filter the iPad Mail app for spam?
The Mail app doesn't have any spam filtering capabilities. You'll need to rely on your email provider. I use Gmail and rarely get any spam. Googles filters are very good,
The Mail app doesn't have any spam filtering capabilities. You'll need to rely on your email provider. I use Gmail and rarely get any spam. Googles filters are very good,
Yes with an IMAP account leaving the email client on your computer used for accessing the account launched and running actively checking the account for new messages at the same time along with storing the account's Junk mailbox on the server with the email client used on your computer for accessing the account. This assumes your computer's email client has a good spam filter.
I would also like to know the answer. My email client is Apple Mail. I can apply rules to my desktop iMac but spam still gets through to my iPad. Is there no answer?
Answered with my previous post.
Answered with my previous post.
Per Allan, that is how my email accounts are set up and they work identical to my desktop.
I have the same problem. I have checked on Safari and my yahoo account on my IMac. Spam isn't getting through to my Apple Mail but all spam comes through straight onto my IPad. On my Safari account on my IPad there is no spam so somewhere my filter isn't working at all!
One may wonder what is the worth of the "spam" folder in the iPad Mail app except, possibly, to reflect the contents of a parallel folder on the synced server. (In which case, I doubt that, on my iPad, I have any need to see spam judiciously collected by the online server!)
All server stored mailboxes with an Exchange or IMAP account are available automatically and kept synchronized with the sever with each email client used to access the account.
You've never had a false positive - a valid email received that was marked incorrectly as junk?
To add: Spam filtering is critical for iOS (iPad, iPhone). on iOS? To "select" an email for deletion or for marking as spam is equivalent to "opening" the email. (Dang!) Alternatives? Leave mail alone, go to laptop. Or seek another email service (e.g., Gmail). I have recently started getting a potload of spam. (I guess someone detected me opening an email on my iPad.) I don't care for Google. (Personal taste.) Now I'm looking elsewhere.
Selecting an email for deletion is not the equivalent to opening the email.
You can select an email for deletion without opening the email.
You can also turn Load Remote Images off. When remote images are rendered from a server when opening an email is how an email address is determined to be known good by a spammer.
Images turned off, yes. Select Inbox. Select Edit. Select each message in turn to be deleted. Each message selected has text displayed in preview. Try it!
The previewed text DOES NOT mean an email is marked as read or that the email is opened.
If Load Remote Images is turned off, there is no way a spammer that includes remote images can be notified the email address is good when the email is opened.
Hmm... Funny. On mine it is marked as read. The unopened count is decreased by one for each. For Load images off, iPad is not perfect at detecting all e.g. SVG graphics. So I beg to differ with your opinions. To each his own.
Not opinion, fact.
An email marked as read IS NOT the equivalent to an email being opened and graphics rendered from a remote server, and the same for previewed text.
And you know the iOS Mail app renders images from a remote server with Load Remote Images turned off how?
Spam Filter for iPad?