eh, nobiggie.
If it's pins or whatever under the clip. Like a contact held in a socket.
Get a small philips screwdrive. With this hold the contact down.
Apply thick glue carefully around the sensor that dont spred like water all over the board. For example, expensive quality contact glue. Dont buy cheap products.
Or your could use mounting glue for heavy duty mirrors.
Just something hard rubbery that will not let go, and thick so it will not spred to unwanted parts
If you have a steady hand to work with small details and a good magnifying lamp, you could use super glue. But only if you know what your doing.
This thing is just a simple cable, held in to place by a clip pressing down. Quality glue will do the same.
If the end of this thermal sensor is just attached at the board where a point is conducting heat and not a signal or electricity to a device which the cable is transmitting. Then you could just apply some cooling compund as artic silver s5. Because if the cable is transmitting heat and the end of the signal is the device picking up the temp. data from the surface and is not attatched to electric pins, artic silver will act as a thermal conductor and its very sticky so it will be your glue too.
Just flip the sensor around and look at the board if there is pins for data signal or a surfice getting hot and your find your answer.
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I'm looking at some pictures here:
It lookes like a normal contact with two simple conductors within the cable.
Just add some glue around the board at wile holding the contact in place hard and let it dry. Alt. use simple heat glue, melted and just apply and it will quickly sit there for ever. This is a very simple cable...