how to delete purchased Appstore history?
anybody knows if is it possible to delete selected items from the purchased history on appStore app?
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.2
anybody knows if is it possible to delete selected items from the purchased history on appStore app?
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.2
No, there is no way to do this at the moment.
mpoyner wrote:
I'm throwing my voice into this also.
You're talking to fellow users here. We can't do anything to change the situation. Submit your feedback to Apple here:
I have downloaded apps which have an adult rating and would not like my children to see them on their devices this iCloud is breaching that, and this would be shameful in many families, you should make a way of where we can disable an app for icloud of be able to delete the store purchase!!!!
The latest unasked for update to the Apps Store on iPhones has generated a lot of feedback and appears mainly negative comments.
If I have deleted something from my iPhone, I no longer want to know about it. Now it shows up on my iPhone again and also any other devices that sync.
I have deleted them because I don't want them.
From feedback, it also gives children access to some of their parents 'adult' apps – surely that is not a good look for Apple.
This was a forced upgrade and in this case, I think it fails.
There should be an option to delete unwanted apps from history. If the account holder decides they want it back – they just have to buy it back
why would Apple release this if its in Beta..We should have the option if you want this or not until it gets out of Beta..
Wouldn't Apple be responsible if "Adult" apps appear on a childs phone or iPad? I mean, yes the adult purchased the apps, however, Apple put them on the cloud and now the child has them or can download them?
I think we should have the right to delete our purchase history from Apples data base or access to delete a particular app from history or data base. There are no prompts that allow you to delete apps when you press purchased apps on your ipad, it shows all of them. We should be able to swipe and the DELETE button appears. I understand apple keeping a record so that I can restore and proof of what I bought so i'm not charged. BUT, it also should be my choice to delete a particular app from my history. Give me a set of prompts, proving my validity as an account holder then give me the option to delete with the prompt that if I want to get this app again i'll have to pay for it.
I do appreciate the ability to retrieve from the Cloud an App I deleted off my device, but I also want the ability to permanently remove Apps from my purchased history list. Amazon gives Kindle users a way to permanently delete books out of their archived items, so this should be a fairly easy option for Apple to support.
I would agree that we should have the ability to not have the purchas history shown.
Apple should realize that users download a lot of apps free or purchased to try out. If apps don't meet my expectation or if they are just bad apps, I'd like to delete them from my account history permanently. There is no need for them to stay in perpetuity. Imagine how annoyed users would be when icloud sync tries to bring them back to life and make them available for download again. It would be a colossal waste of resources for this new very promising sync service!
I just want to be able to remove the free apps, I understand if purchased ones were kept in the history but it is very annoying we're not given the option to delete them from the purchased list. If we decided that we were going to delete them in the first place off our phones, why do we want a list of them re appearing under our downloads? If I wanted to add a free app back, it would be a lot easier to just search for it instead of scrolling through every other one!
Just to add my voice here. I think if deleting is not an option, at least "hide" or "dismiss" should, with an option to show hidden items if/when needed...
I trust in the beta-ness of this feature, even if betas are not pushed to devices like this one was to my iPod Touch...
Something else I noticed...
Apps that have been removed from the iTunes store no longer show up in your "purchase" history (ie: AirView, VLC Media Player).
so is there no answer to this yet.
Answer to what? It has been stated over and over again that at the moment you cannot delete apps from your purchased history. This option may be added in the future, as this is just a beta at the moment.
Also, there has always been a history of your downloads available (free and ones you paid for) by logging into the iTunes account via iTunes and selecting purchase history.
I'd like to add my agreement with this issue. I have nothing that is adult or that I'd be really embarassed about other than some stupid games but we should be able to get rid of them forever. I'm sure that someday Apple will tell us you can't have more than 500(?) apps on the cloud and all that junk will count.
For a company that makes such great products they should have thought of this and that users would want to delete from the cloud. If I've deleted from my devices and I've deleted from iTunes I don't want something.
I know this is just a forum of users but....
how to delete purchased Appstore history?