Some music I purchased is missing from the cloud.
I went to purchase history under my account and the music shows up. But when I look at Purchased on both iMac and iPad iTunes it is not there for me to download from the cloud.
iPad, iOS 4.3.2
I went to purchase history under my account and the music shows up. But when I look at Purchased on both iMac and iPad iTunes it is not there for me to download from the cloud.
iPad, iOS 4.3.2
I've just had a look on my iTunes account and it's not giving me the option to download any purchased music tracks from the cloud either. Apps and Books are listed ok though, so I'm guessing the reason music isn't listed right now is because Apple don't yet have the license agreements in place for the UK market.
Some of my music is there for me to download, but not all. It looks like it may be the free downloads. These should still be available for me to download from the cloud, shouldn't they?
Same here. (I'm in the U.S.)
Remember this is only for the US for now.
It requires deals with music labels in order to be implemented.
I've noticed the same problem and I'm not sure if it's a label issue or some technical glitch. Not that I'm expecting too much from a beta, but the absences are a bit too inconsistent to be a label issue I think. For example 1 album from my Complete U2 collection is available but not the rest. 2 songs from an Itunes Live session are available but not the rest. The list goes on ...
Did you check to see if those albums are still offered in the iTunes Store? They also had a disclaimer saying anything no longer available in the iTunes Store cannot be re-downloaded. If not, it may as well be some beta glitches. Hopefully they'll figure stuff out as the beta progresses.
I'm also missing purchased songs. I have over 300 songs purchased but only 191 are showing up in the cloud. I checked some of them and the are still available in the iTunes Store. I'm hoping that this is because of the beta.
I have six years of iTunes purchases that have not shown up in the cloud, just a hundred show up from the past year. Yes, those albums are still available on the store, I'm in the US, wondering where all that music is...
There are alot missing. The ones I have checked have been the free songs I have downloaded each week. And I checked some of them and they are still available in iTunes.
I guess they want us to pay $24/year to have our free songs from Apple in the cloud.
People have been reporting that the free songs are not being shown but I haven't seen any clarification from Apple on whether it is intentional or not.
And remember, you don't "have" to use the cloud as long as you have your PC with all your music on it. They aren't taking away service you previously had or charging you for something that used to be free. I'm just glad that they are the first ones to actually re-download content you have already purchased indefinitely.
I just realized what's happening, maybe it's the same for the rest of you. I bought those songs under a different ID - when I log into iTunes under the old ID, my old songs are there, ready to be downloaded.
No, that's not my case. I only have one Apple ID, but not all my songs listed. Can't find a rhyme or reason as my very oldest purchases are present but others aren't.
Same problem here.
Purchase history is not showing all my apps.
But I can download the missing apps normaly.
Ditto. Up until today I have been able to see my song purchases and redownload them, along with app and book purchases. However, as of today, inexplicably none of my purchased songs are visible. My apps and books are still fine, but none of my songs are coming through. I am U.S. based. I gotta imagine this is a bug of some kind.
Same here. In fact, I bought two albums today and neither one shows up.
Some music I purchased is missing from the cloud.