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This is not a Final Cut Pro piece of editing software.

This is iMovie with some enhanced features, hence the ability to import older iMovie projects,

but not Final Cut Pro projects.



Each time they tell me another department handles what I need to have done.

When you misrepresent a product as poorly as this, people will not stand for it.

This is a joke of a "pro" app and Apple should stand up and take the punch to the stomach.

Apple you built your rep on making great products, maybe this one made sense somewhere in the

test labs, but in real life it leaves millions of professional editors who rely on FCP everyday to make a


Take FCP 7, add in 64bit and I'll give you $300. Keep everything else the same for all I care, but this

app (FCPX) is completely useless for any form of professional editing.

Posted on Jun 21, 2011 6:02 PM

247 replies

Jun 23, 2011 11:24 PM in response to matthew113

How many people out there have faith in apple? How many people out there really love apple and would do anything for them? We stuff up all the time. We make alot of mistakes. Obviously Apple made a big mistake.

I used to have faith in Apple, but they've been doing a pretty thorough job of squandering their goodwill with creative professionals the last few years (Shake…), and their absolute silence on this whole mess makes them that much harder to trust.

Thing is, I don't think Apple made a mistake. I think they did this on purpose. I hope I'm wrong, and I will wait to see, but I want to be prepared.

Jun 24, 2011 12:02 AM in response to Dan Hyman

I am a huge supporter of Apple but this is changing my mind really quickly. I lost my job due to the recesion and have had to start on my own as a freelance video editor. When I saw FCPX was comming out I was one of the first to buy it. With all my faith in Apple, I have been a supporter of theirs for years and never thought they would screw me.

I sank every cent I had into buying this software (doesn't seem like a lot, but to an unemployed person who has lost everything and takes 6 months to earn $299 it is a fortune). And I still have to purchase Compressor #@$%^!!. I also don't have the previous Final Cut Pro to fall back on!

Why did you do this to me I had faith in you!!!! I already had Imovie!!!!

My blackmagic card doesn't work so I can't color correct(this is huge for me)

I need to export OMF! WHY!!!

Output to tape! (There are still people out there that need this!)

Legacy Project Support? (This is Final Cut is it not so why not?)

Will there be support for Blackmagic cards?

If so when?

Are these features still going to be added later?

If not or they will take more than a couple months to add these features can I get my money back? I can't afford this especially when all the pro features are lacking!

Jun 24, 2011 12:54 AM in response to warrickvdh

I can feel your pain, but honestly. I am freelancer too, and for most projects I don't multicam, EDL, and some other missed features. I think the pain is moslty felt by big companies with larger production suits. Especially when you don't have FCP7 (and no older projects) I wouldn't understand why X is such a big problem.

I myself used Avid Composer and Premiere Pro in the past, but for my 1 person company I don't think X would be that big a problem

Jun 24, 2011 1:57 AM in response to BillF

External Monitor? Will they support this eventually? Am I expected to throw my blackmagic card away? Previewing on my calibrated monitor is a feature I certainately want.

Export to tape, surely this can't be to difficult to add to this software.

Why can Premiere Pro open FCP7 files while FCPX can't.

Why leave OMF and xml export out, educate me?

I like the simplicity of FCPX but will Apple update these issues, are we paying them $299 to be guinea pigs. I'll give anyone a chance that communicates with me and lets me know their intentions. It takes great courage and is often the measure of a man to admit his mistakes. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that there have been mistakes made here. Apple needs to man up here and make some sort of press release of the future direction of the software so people can make educated decisions on whether this will support their work flow, instead of buying and finding it is the wrong direction.

No one seems to know if updates will resolve some of these issues and if so when. We have all paid them our $299 and all been left guessing.

I'll give them a chance but they need to communicate with us better!

Jun 24, 2011 3:33 AM in response to BillF

I don't think many of you fully understand the consequences of this FCPX release. Whatever Apple's or your view of the future is for digital delivery, the reality is that at least 95% of professional work currently requires features which Apple has eliminated from FCPX. Professional editing is a service industry, we have to work with others and we have to deliver to clients in a format of their choosing, not ours. If I cannot deliver in a format my clients specify they will simply go elsewhere and find someone who can, there is no shortage of competition.

I hear many of you say "why are you complaining? FCP7 still works, keep using that until FCPX has the features you want, nothing has changed". Ufortunately, you are missing the bigger picture, the fact that professional video editing is a highly competitive industry and that FCP not the only game in town. FCP7 has been in serious need of an upgrade for several years, some of the new functionality you see in FCPX has been available in other professional NLE programs for quite a while. Many professional FCP7 users have been hanging on for more than two years on the promise that an update would come which would give them a competitive edge over users of other NLEs. A competitive edge essential to their survival in these difficult economic times. What they have got in FCPX has their competition openly laughing at them, quite a few professional FCP7 users feel humiliated, feel they have been betrayed by Apple and stabbed in the back in return for their loyalty.

So, many professional editors are faced with a dilema, FCPX doesn't have the tools and FCP7 is rapidly becoming uncompetitive. Furthermore, there is no word from Apple (just a lot of heresay) that the missing features will ever be implimented in FCPX. If the features are to be implimented, when? Will it be soon enough to enable professional editors to remain competitve. Apple has given the strongest of indications with FCPX that it is no longer interested in the relatively small professional market and has repositioned FCP (both in terms of price and functionality) for the masses. Many professionals therefore believe that to remain competitive they now have no choice but to dump FCP and move to Aviid or Adobe. And many are doing just that.

Many here (including a few professionals) look at FCPX and are either not affected by the missing functionality or are just inconvenienced by it. Apple's vision of the future makes a lot of sense, the bleating of so many professionals is becoming annoying but it doesn't directly affect you right? Wrong! You just don't realise what the consequences are because you don't have the experience of how the industry works:

Some of the hard work done by profesional editors in past years to make FCP a respected industry standard tool, will be undone by this release of FCPX. This own goal by Apple will reverberate around the industry for some time to come and of course AVID and Adobe's PR departments will take maximum advantage of it. Unless there is a very significant and quick fix, FCP could once again become a joke as far as the wider broadcast and film industries are concerned. These industries don't care what your or Apple's vision of the future is, they will just hear news of FCPX not working and see many professionals moving away from FCP, further enforcing the view that FCP is just a toy rather than a professional tool. Even if FCPX does one day have the functionality, that reality maybe irrelevant, it's the cients' perception of reality which is important. One day in the not too distant future you could be bidding for a contract and be told "You use FCPX? Sorry, we thought you were a professional editor, you know, an experienced AVID editor, thanks for biddiing though, don't call us, we'll call you".

Hopefully this vision will not come to pass but there are big powerful companies trying to make it happen and Apple, deliberately or not, seems to be helping them! If this vision does happen, everyone who ever tries to use FCP for any type of professional work will be affected.

Jun 24, 2011 3:56 AM in response to gmalcangi

I agree with gmalcangi. I have a bitter taste in my mouth over this. They stole money from me! I don't care that it is different I care that they assume we don't need certain features. Software should evolve over time not overnight! This is a joke I'm not finding funny and if it's not addressed soon I will never change back to Apple anything from the Ipod/Iphone to the mac pro!

I just hope that Apple representatives are reading these posts.

Jun 24, 2011 10:23 AM in response to warrickvdh

most people writing in on the FCP X forum since Tuesday are basically irrelevant to Apple moving forward so they are not likely wasting time paying any attention. Apple's vision of the future apparently doesn't include the kind of work that has been done in film and video editing over the past decade and that has helped make the Apple, Mac and FCP brands. Apple is no longer the boutique hardware house of the '90s but is now pretty much the consumer mainstream. The film / video industry as we know it now is a dinosaur in Apple's vision to be replaced by the cloud and ubiquitous creation of heuristically morphed magnetic timelines uploaded to North Carolina.

Jun 24, 2011 10:58 AM in response to xristy

i have to agree with you guys...

There definitely appears to be a paradigm-shift happening at Apple at it's core level. This is BIGGER than just Final Cut Pro X -- this is a shift in thinking aimed at Creative Professionals in general -- Apple's most loyal support group.

Matter of fact, it seems that Apple is trying to re-define the Creative Professional by claiming FCPX is for professional use, when its clear its targeted and aimed at an amateur/prosumer market.

What we are seeing is Apple's push to sell all their products via the Appstore and producing devices that support the Appstore. It's probably Apple's interest to condense the number of products they produce down to a single stream-lined interface. Many of us fear the future of Apple computing will be iOS on all our iphones, ipads, and macbookpros. Afterall, VP of Software Engineering Bertrand Serlet - the spearhead for OSX stepped down this past March:


-- rumors have it that he stepped down because he was asked to succeed OSX with iOS...

That being said, having an all-iOS market would maximize services that the Appstore and iTunes would provide. Imagine all your beloved third-party developers such as Adobe having to develop Photoshop and Illustrator for the Appstore -- Apple could then make an additional 30% commission off the sale of Photoshop! and 30% off of every plug-in developed for Photoshop sold through the Appstore!

Apple's 'walled garden/closed sandbox' approach is the success for our mobile devices -- but i wonder how it will affect the Creative Professional industry.

If Apple is indeed pushing toward an all-iOS environment, I wonder if that will be the end of Creative Professionals working on Macs?

Creative Professionals on Mac -- RIP 2011??


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