Did Time Machine put 274 GB of data in my Volumes directory?
My first hint that something was wrong was that Carbon Copy Cloner complained that my 600GB encrypted disk image wasn't big enough to hold my backup.
I knew that couldn't be write. My data was roughly 300GB.
So I fired up the superb (free) OmniDiskSweeper and found there were 274GB of data in my /Volumes directory (hidden system folder, to visit it with Finder use "Go To Folder" and type Volumes.
That Folder normally holds Unix Aliases, not files.
It turned out to hold two copies of my hard drive, one fairly complete, the other a mere 40GB, both dated within one day of Jan 26, 2011. They were named after my Time Capsule hosted Time Machine image.
I'm pretty sure TIme Machine put them there during a Time Capsule backup. I've never seen reports of this, but I have seen reports of similar behaviors with disrupted Time Machine backups to a local firewire drive.
I deleted the 600,000+ files and OmniDiskSweeper reported Volumes now uses 12kb.
Has anyone else heard reports of this? I'd guess I'm not the only person who's experienced this, though some friends claim I'm cursed. I don't think it impacted my backups much, neither Time Machine nor SuperDuper nor CarbonCopyCloner actually copy the /Volumes folder, there's not supposed to be anything important there.
i5 iMac 27, iPhone OS 3.1.2, MacBook Core-2 Duo, G5 iMac, G3 iBook, Mac mini