Hi there everybody =)
I'm answering cause this treat is in some ways funny. I heard of those rumours that Apple Products are immune to Virus, Malware, Trojans and all other "Bad Software" =) There are people who really think that those devices (especially iPhone) are immune to all kind of those stuff... I don't really agree! And here are some explanations why:
- If Windows would have told you in the early 90's that they had the safest software available i fear that most of you would have believed the myth... Why? Either you wanted to believe it or the malware for that platform was not common in those days... Every platform who grows always gets vulnerable and bexcomes more interesting for hackers due to the larger potential of victims. Programmers simply aren't god's and simply do make mistakes. Everybody does! Even i do write some ;-) Today you would say it was a good joke that Windows myth =)
- Recent News show that MAC (the securest platform as some said) had one of the biggest Botnet's who was writen for that Platform. So from one day to another it became insecure?! I do not believe that they infected over 600.000 maschines over night but that this took some time... During that period people did not think that they were infected. But they were as it appeared! So what about iPhone?
- People simply thinking that the iStore is the securest environement on earth as it could get for you phone are ignorant. The fact that some people care about their security measures for their phones makes them (for me personally) better end-users of devices as those who do believe in myth'es... Regulary Apple retires App's from the store due to the fact of violating the rules of their shop =) Isn't that a hint?! An App spying on my contacts which was published in the shop obviously was not controlled correctly. This fals for me under the cathegory Malware but i might be a stupid user again...
- Some people might ignore the fact that it is possible to bypass iStore without any jailbraiking or stuff like that! There are ways for companies to program their own App's etc! But the fact of the possibility of jailbraiking in my eye's is enough to show that it possible to hack the device! Yeah... You need physical access. But who says that there are guys who bypassed that? Can anybody proof me that it is impossible?
Me for my case i had a good laugh when i read these pages and that's why i posted a message! I am looking for some protection for my business iPhone's and i have to say that beiing ignorant and not open to the dangers of the digital society makes you more vulnerable than those people who are seeking for protection without beiing paranoid! But as always... Protection start with the user!
Have a nice day!