So for those of you that are apparently unaware of the threats, risks and vulnerabilities that are very real for the iphone and ALL IOS devices. First a little history as it seems that most people are unaware of this. Apple bought the "Rights" to use IOS from Cisco. The Cisco IOS was built from Unix, i.e. Unix is the foundation for the IOS platform. Now, with that little bit of history out of the way, does anyone have a clue how many "Vulnerabilities" the Cisco IOS has and has had in the past? Well I do, and the number would be several thousand, in total. I have worked and currently work in some of the most restrictive and security minded environments that you can think of. It is also a KNOWN fact that numerous APP developers for the Apple IOS have written in keyloggers in to their apps for "Market Research" purposes. What does this mean? Well, if you happen to have an APP on your phone where the developer has written in a keylogger, every time you type a password, username, personal information (PII), or anything else, it records it and then sends the information to the developer. So let me ask you this, how many of you would like some game developer or other developer to have access to your bank account information? or be able to read your private personal text messages to your spouse or children? I have developed for the Apple IOS and I have been a security professional for a long time. Apple, Microsoft, Cisco and every other "Vendor" on the planet wants you to believe that their software is safe, secure and that you are protected by using their software/product, but the reality of this world is - the only safe system is the one that is never turned on. Phishing is social engineering, and disturbingly quite effective, your virus' are there to just hurt your system/information. Due to the "Open" community of the Apple IOS community, who is to say that a knowledgeable and experienced hacker wouldn't be able to utilize the "community" to assist in a DDoS attack? If there is no security software for it then you are vulnerable, PERIOD. I don't care who you are, what you think, if you are not protecting against the very real and serious threats that are out there, then you are asking for your identity to be stolen, your bank account, your childrens information which could make them prey for the predators out there, and way too many more things to list. My point is, there is no such thing as software or hardware that is immune to threats and vulnerabilities. Unix, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows, and every other operating system out there has vulnerabilites. Do you think it would be hard to convert a Mac or Unix vulnerability to work on Apple's IOS platform? Really? Unix is Unix, whether you put Apple, Linux or Microsoft on top. All I can hope is that what you take away from this is knowledge and that you are more informed of the threats and risks that are out there. There is no system on the planet that is ever completely "Protected" from threats and vulnerabilities. Please do remember that people are just as much a threat to any information system as any hacker, cracker or script kiddie is. If you don't believe me then do the research yourself. TED even had a conference regarding the threats that every person with a cell phone can face today. Be smart, be safe, and be informed. Best to all.