Hello eljonco.
Each computer has its own battery backup. This WAS NOT my setup and I have no idea if the battery backups are sufficient…since all macs went down…NOT.
I started getting reports that some files that designers were working on were corrupted and links vanished.
I rebooted the server.
After reboot no one could access the Pegassis. When I went on remotely, Pegassis was not mounted (boy, have I seen this even when we first set it up..had to use ONYX to mount 'invisible' drives). I could not mount pegassis shared files at all with any utility. I ended up rebooting the whole computer again, hoping Pegassis would mount. It never did. In fact Mac reported that a device was bad (not exact error message of couse) and wanted to 'reformat'. Troubles started after that.
To get the artists back up and working, I immediately shared out the Lacie Raid backup device (usb3 on same mac host).
IT reformatted the Pegassis for me (zero'd the data) and put it back in use as our 'backup' to make sure it was stable. CCC was backup up fine for a week. Then 2 days ago, an error re. Pegassis and damaged file system appeared. Disk utility allowed me to repair the raid partition but not the file stucture. Getting very very nervous since we now had NO backup and bad opinions of Raid/thunderbolt, today I put in place a 4TB GTech (no raid) and plan to use it temporarily as my backup.
I don't know what corrupted the pegassis file system…it did start with an abrupt loss of power from mac clients. I saw NOTHING in the console on the mac host server, that it went down at all during the power outage. It stayed up.