Yeah, I think you hit the jackpot... it's a Mac not an iPad or an iPhone...
I mean... honestly key repeat is a small thing... but seriously its a HUGE design flaw.
The UI paradigm used for iOS devices cannot be applied to a laptop or stationary machine. Not when it comes to the user interface. The input devices are different and also the needs of the users (using the different devices) are different.
I mean, even launch pad, only my grandma is going to use it... any power user would use QuickSilver or Alfred, but at least launch pad does not interfere with a power user's workflows.
But this key repeat thing does!
For example, even multiple desktops, in 10.6 you could decide how to arrange them 2x2, 3x2, 1x4, etc.. now no, they are just in a sequence... which is just wrong! For me to go from 1 to 4 I have to cycle through 3 different desktops! WHY? I mean, more customization, not less, more freedom, not less. Honestly I am in charge of the machine, not the other way round!