Does anyone recommend OS X Lion?
I've seen many comments about people having different problems and trouble with the new OS X Lion, does anyone recommend me to download it? My current OS is Mac OS X 10.6.7.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I've seen many comments about people having different problems and trouble with the new OS X Lion, does anyone recommend me to download it? My current OS is Mac OS X 10.6.7.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I do. I've been using it a while and every install and upgrade was easy and flawless.
Of course, if you read all the stuff here you'll be convinced that it's a disaster. All the folks who don't have a problem don't come here.
Back up first
I've been using Mail through the betas and now into the release version with no issues. I think you have a local issue and not asystemic problem. Try restore from your back up and update again
If you have a lot of old gen' software that's PowerPC you won't like Lion. Stick with one of the Leopards.
If you've mostly only been a Leopard user on Intel machines, it doesn't really matter whether you like it or not - it's here to stay. You'll need to update to Lion at some point unless you plan to ditch mac's in the near future. So, might as well bite the bullet and get it sooner rather than later.
As for bugs, there's a few, but then again, too few to mention.
I seriously doubt Office 2004 will ever work in Lion. The reason is that Office 2004 is PowerPC codes so it needs Rosetta, which is not available on Lion.
Anyone who is considering installing Lion should review their Applications to make sure they are all Intel-based and also install Lion onto a separate hard disk. That way, if Lion doesn't meet their needs, they can easily revert back to their previously installed OS.
If you need to know how many apps - and which - are powerpc apps, find out by following the procedure here:
I have Rosetta Spanish Level 1 & 2 and they work fine on Lion.
I can't get Office 2004 to work though.
As has already been indicated in this thread, Office 2004 isn't compatible with Lion so you need to upgrade to Office 2008 if you intend to continue using Lion.
Loving the new gestures and no problems, then again I left POwerPC apps behind years ago...
Rosetta Stone is the language teaching software.
Rosetta is a technology that allows old code written for the PowerPC processor to run on an Intel-based machine.
Rosetta was dropped from Lion.
Rosetta Stone will likely continue to work.
Office 2004 will not work.
What model MacBook Pro do you have? How much RAM do you have? Which version of Office to you own?
It's hard to make for anyone to make specific recommendations when you provide so little information.
Stanley Horwitz wrote:
As has already been indicated in this thread, Office 2004 isn't compatible with Lion so you need to upgrade to Office 2008 if you intend to continue using Lion.
No, Office 2008 won't install. It will run, but the installer is PowerPC.
Office 2011 would be the only version you can install.
Office 2008 will continue to run on an upgraded machine, but if you have to reinstall it for some reason, you won't be able to.
Mike 2 wrote:
Says who? Please post link(s) to support that.
Says Apple: -Mac-App-Store.html
There are no plans for a DVD.
Only having it for one day I would certainly recommend it. I cannot go into all the little items but I really like Lion. So far, knock on wood, everything works as designed.
It is a mac bug. Downloaded Thunderbird and everything works, also my iphone works.
Just because Your not having mail problems answering the question and warning of this problem doesnt determine your defensive remarks. Take a look at the Lion discussion and see how many bugs there are, or maybe even do something constructive and help people.
There are no plans for a DVD.
But there are plans for a USB Stick. See the pricing and availability section.
No, it's a problem in your user space. It isn't an OS level problem.
You've got a problem on your computer that could likely be fixed if you create your own post and ask for help.
Mail works fine in Lion.
There are always lots of people with problems on ASC. That's why it exists. It's not a forum for people without problems.
Does anyone recommend OS X Lion?