Please help. First I apologize for asking these questions, as I am a technical novice and new to apple. I installed Lion and immediate had a cut in the batterly life and my computer runs hot. I do hav citrix plug in installed and noticed under activitiy the "AGAdminService MAC" is running at 100%. I went into the applications folder and dragged both the Citrix plugin icon and folder to the trash can. No change. I then went into the Finder file but things look different. I don't see the normal items I use to see, like my hard drive, movies, photo, etc...Is this normal with Lion? All I see is : All files, Air drop, desktop, my name, applications, documents and IDisk.
I was looking to try go to the directory/library/launchdaemons to delete but cannot find. Did something change? Am I looking in the wrong place?
So should I launch terminal and use the process described in the links? Will this disable my ability to use citrix to connect to my work? If this is what I should do, can someone give me the exact text to paste in? Do I start with
"sudo lauchctl unload -w /libray/launchdaemons/com.citrix.adadminservice.plist"? Do I include the "sudo" part ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.