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Lion WiFi Connection Problem

Since installing Lion on both my IMac and MacBook Pro, the WiFi cycles (wifi icon on the menu bar) - looking for network - network on - looking for network. iMac with OS 10.6 doesn't have this problem so it's not the AirPort and there was no problem prior to installing Lion. The AirPort Utility log shows lots of connection activity but I don't know if that means anything. The network troubleshooter says theres no problem but it's causing big problems with connection speed and applications that need a constant connection are giving me network errors constantly. Please give me some advise....

Posted on Jul 20, 2011 5:19 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Jul 20, 2011 7:07 PM

Welcome to my nightmare...Been going on for a year now. Nice to see the didn't bother addressing this issue with the new OS.

2,673 replies

Sep 10, 2011 4:40 PM in response to Cambo III

Cambo III wrote:


The system frequently scans for new networks. That's a normal behavior according to your configuration in the system settings.

Cambo III wrote:

I typically take the machine about 15 seconds to find it and reconnect, even if it has only been asleep for SECONDS.

Regardless of how long the system sleeps, after wake up it have to negotiate the WiFi connection with the server (WiFi router) from scratch.

This will take a couple of seconds or even more if you have more than one "known" network in your list, as your system asks all reachable networks for connection top down the "preferred network" list.

To speed up the WiFi reconecting a little bit you may

  • Delete any obsolete networks from the list
  • Drag your preferred network(s) on top of the list

Alternative you may disable the location "Automatic" by creating a new location for "home" with only your own network in the list.

if you want to do so, uncheck the "Remember networks this computer has joined" for the new location to prevent that unwanted networks are added to the list automatically.

User uploaded file

Dec 1, 2011 10:11 PM in response to Cyclic


I tried your SL driver downgrade, but no luck. I've noticed something during my troubleshooting escapades,that I thought I should share.

  1. I can ping, but I can't browse (with any browser)
  2. When I try to browse, there is actually some connectivity, but excrutiatingly slow.
  3. During this ultra-slow browsing experience, I notice that there are bursts of DUP! errors in the PING stream.

Here is a screenshot of my Terminal executing PING:

User uploaded file

Any ideas?

Jul 21, 2011 8:19 AM in response to lrogersinlv

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing the same problem I am having. I am glad to know though that it is not only me as I originally thought it was my Wifi hardware but as some others have stated, my Dlink Wifi works with everything else at home.

I did try to reach Apple Support and I'm scheduled to speak with them on Friday evening and will post anything I can to help. If you any of you find a resolution before hand, please post and let us all know. Thanks in advance!

Sep 10, 2011 6:00 AM in response to David Cher

David Cher wrote:

still getting the fustrated Safari cannot find page error

First Aid

  1. Open up the Safari Web browser.
  2. Click on the heading 'Safari' and choose 'Empty Cache' from the pull down menu. It will then ask you if you really want to delete the cache.
  3. Click on 'Empty' if you are ready to clear Safari's memory cache.
  4. Close and reopen the Safari Web browser.

A more drastic method to reset Safari is hitting the 'Reset Safari' button under the 'Safari' heading.

Choosing this option will empty your cache, erase your browsing history, clear the downloads window and remove cookies.

A much more drastic method is to delete and reinstall Safari from the scratch.

For deleting Safari you should use a application like AppCleaner to remove all files.

After deleting reboot and reinstall Safari from Apple -> http://www.apple.com/de/safari/

Good luck - Lupunus

Sep 23, 2011 8:52 AM in response to lupunus

Great to know this is getting traction. I sent the following message to Apple support after talking to them on the phone:

________________________________________________________________________________ _____

to User uploaded file###@apple.com
date User uploaded fileSat, Sep 17, 2011 at 3:13 PM
subject User uploaded fileWiFi Logs
mailed-by User uploaded filegmail.com
hide details Sep 17 (5 days ago) User uploaded file

Hi Andrew,
Thanks for taking my call yesterday. I had time to gather some information and run some tests yesterday, but not to send it out.

Here's the description of the problem:

  • Under certain wireless network conditions the wifi connection will remain active, but network connectivity will completely drop
  • Wifi is stable when there is a single BSSID in a Wifi network
  • In environments with a wifi mesh (multiple access points) where load balancing is in place (bounce between best-signal access points), connectivity drops when the network switches to a different BSSID under the same SSID

    At one particular client, the Wifi infrastructure is composed of Cisco access points, and Cisco WCS with power based load-balancing - http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps6305/index.html

  • Connectivity was stable under the latest version of Snow Leopard in the environments where Lion is having issues

    Side note: Previous patch levels of Snow Leopard would kernel panic under these load balanced conditions

I'm attaching logs I gathered with the Wi-Fi Diagnostics tool in Lion. I gathered the following two files:
  • Wi-Fi Diagnostics Data-20110916-1355 - This was the "Record Events" function of the tool. As expected, the WiFi remained active, but network connectivity ceased when the wireless network jumped to a different BSSID. Network connectivity was restored when the network would jump back to the original BSSID used in the initial handshake
  • Wi-Fi Diagnostics Data-20110916-1405 - This was the "Turn on Debug Logs" - I don't know what this does, but interestingly there came a poing where it stopped doing anything...

I'm going to be working at the client location where this happens for the next few weeks, and I would be able to help run tests. Right now the wireless is unusable, and I've had to resort to tethering through my phone.

Hope this helps, and let me know if there is anything else I can do to help get this resolved.



________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Crossing fingers that they'll be able to figure it out soon. This is not a new feature of WiFi, and it's been supported by a long time by most OSs.

Sep 24, 2011 6:39 AM in response to laechleviel

laechleviel wrote:

So - jetzt abwechslungshalber auch nochmal auf deutsch 😉

Ist unter den deutschen Lesern dieses Posts jemand, der A) seit dem Update auf Lion auch Probleme mit dem Wi-Fi und regelmĂ€ĂŸig wegbrechenden Verbindungen zum Router hat

Lesen bildet und was Du beschreibst wurde im laufe des Threads mehrfach angesprochen.

Stichwort: BSSID

laechleviel wrote:

Sep 24 08:14:45 Olafs-iMac kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to bc:05:43:52:2f:b6

Sep 24 08:14:45 Olafs-iMac kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1

Sep 24 08:14:45 Olafs-iMac kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to bc:05:43:52:2f:b6

Sep 24 08:14:45 Olafs-iMac kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1

Nur so als Tip. Es ist keine so wahnsinnig gute Idee die (einmalige) MAC-Adresse deines Routers in einem öffentlichen Forum zu posten. Nicht alle die hier mitlesen sind zwangslÀufig nette Menschen.

FritzBox 7270

WLAN-Standard: 802.11n+b+g

Die aktuelle (Lion) WLAN-Chipsatz und Firmware (Treiber) Kombination in Mac's hat offensichtlich Probleme mit gemischten b/g/n WLAN's (besser gesagt dem KompatibilitĂ€ts Modus fĂŒr solche gemsichten WLAN's) und auch wenn mehrere SSID's (2.4 GHz und 5GHz WLAN) aus dem gleichen WLAN in der Liste der bekannten WLAN's in der Systemsteuerung stehen.

Dein Mac bucht daher, wenn das Signal mal ein bisschen schwĂ€chelt zwischen dem 2.4 GHz Band und dem 5GHz Band hin und her, da ja beide die gleiche SSID nutzen. Da jedoch 2 BSSID existieren (1x2.4GHz u. 1x5Ghz) gibt es dann Probleme wenn zB SchlĂŒssel (CCMP) neu ausgetauscht werden sollen da die Anfrage evtl. fĂŒr das eine Netz kommt, der Mac aber gerde im anderen Netz ist. Ergebnis --> WLAN weg am Mac.

Ein Klick mit gedrĂŒckter alt-Taste auf das Airport Symbol in der MenĂŒleiste zeigt dir, welches WLAN dein Mac aktuell tatsĂ€chlich nutzt. (PHY Modus)

Du solltest:

  • Den Gastzugang (GĂ€stenetz) in der FritzBox nach möglichkeit deaktivieren, falls der nicht unbedingt gebraucht wird.
  • Sofern keine 802.11b/g GerĂ€te im WLAN benutzt werden sollen, in der FritzBox die b/g UnterstĂŒtzung deaktivieren. (Handbuch ab Seite 85)
  • Falls die baulichen Gegebenheiten der Wohnung das zulassen, die Fritz auf 5GHz N only setzen (Modus: 802.11n+a) das vermeidet Interferenzen von benachbarten Netzen im 2.4GHz Band und Bluetooth GerĂ€ten.
  • Die bisher zuhause genutzten SSID's (WLAN's) aus der Liste der bekannten Netzwerke in der Systemsteuerung vom Mac löschen.
  • Da das nicht immer sauber automatisch funktioniert in der SchlĂŒsselbundverwaltung (Dienstprogramme) alle SchlĂŒssel fĂŒr die gelöschten WLAN's ggf. von Hand löschen.
  • Das eigene WLAN in der Liste (Systemsteuerung - Airport -Erweitert) an die erste Stelle schieben oder fĂŒr daheim einen neuen Standort in der Airport Konfiguration erzeugen mit nur einem (deinem) eingetragenen WLAN.
  • Die Option "Ask to join new Networks" deaktivieren.
  • Den Mac mit der gewĂŒnschten SSID neu verbinden.

Wird 802.11g benötigt zB wg. iPhone oder iPod-Touch, den Mac dazu zwingen, ausschließlich das 802.11n zu benutzen.

Dazu am besten fĂŒr daheim einen neuen Standort in der Airport Konfiguration erzeugen mit nur einer (802.11n) eingetragenen SSID und die Option "Ask to join new Networks" deaktivieren.

laechleviel wrote:

Hatte eigentlich gedacht, die Probleme mit einer sauberen Neuinstallation von Lion in den Griff zu bekommen > dies hat aber nur fĂŒr knapp sechs Wochen fĂŒr Abhilfe gesorgt und jetzt sind die Probleme wieder da...

Neuinstallation war eine Nette Idee aber sinnfrei, denn es werden ja wieder die gleichen Treiber installiert. Zudem stehen nach einer Weile wieder die gleichen Netzwerke in der Liste der "bekannten Netzwerke" und das Spiel beginnt von vorne.

Ach ja, weitere Infos zum Thema Mac und WLAN finden sich auch in dem Thread hier --> https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3190651?answerId=16219036022#16219036022

mfg - Lupunus

Nov 23, 2011 12:57 PM in response to gphonei

  1. I have called Apple`s support-hotline and they couldn`t help me yet.
  2. I sent two detailed bug-reports via http://www.apple.com/feedback/macosx.html (the first one four weeks ago, the second one two weeks ago) and there hasn`t been any reaction yet.
  3. In most of the cases (just read through this post carefully) visiting a Genius would be useless and the Genius would better have to visit the user...

This covers with the experience of many other users who replied to this post (once again: you just need to read through this post carefully!!!). Even if there obviously is some users who just go like "Apple fix this" without really describing their problem and what they tried to fix it you can`t generalize it...

It`s not about Apple having a good support or not. It`s about Apple`s communication-behaviour!!! This discussion would stop immediately if they would just admit there is a known issue an they`re working on it (because of some "behind-the-scenes-networking" I did within the last weeks I know from three reliable sources they know there is an issue...). But this would not fit to the exaggerated image of perfection they have built up over years... This is just my personal opinion!

Jul 26, 2011 3:56 PM in response to lrogersinlv

I think I got my problem solved. This may help others. When ever my computer sat idle or went to sleep it would loos WI-FI and then I would manually have to reconnect. It appears after the upgrade to LION it changed and network setting that is causing this to work this way.

Goto SETTINGS > NETWORK > WI-FI and make sure "Ask to Join New Networks" is CHECKED.

This will keep you logged into your default network. This worked for me.

User uploaded file

Jul 29, 2011 3:56 AM in response to SteveSunnyvale

Yeah the funniest thing of all is since I plugged in that ethernet cable the lion machine has 20 meg connection!

its copper it creates a connection where the WIFI in the lion machine does not.

What I find also very very amusing is the usual apple response and in denial fanboi approach of blaming everything from 3rd party apps and devices to routers but not the OS.

I have friends who work for apple in ireland and their response is the same. its kind of like china covering up a rail road crash!

What needs to be made clear is snow leopard works just fine with the setup at home and continues to work fine on my wireless network. The Lion machine however does not.

So apple what does this tell you!

No it does not mean we all rush off screaming to a shop to get a new router or a router that is meeting the specification of steve jobs latest taste. No you make it work the same way the snow leopard works and has worked for the hardware I already have in the house.

Fess up! the OS is borked in respect to the WIFI and a fix will come out while apple and its commie china cover up attitude hope it goes unnoticed until the problem is cleared up.

There are way too many articles appearing online for this not to be a bug.

Until such time I will continue to use this amazing piece of hardware!

User uploaded file

Why? because it *%&^%% WORKS!

Jul 29, 2011 5:52 AM in response to Dogcow-Moof

Funny enough my router firmware was only recently updated. there is no further update for it right now and its up to date.

Again the issue is snow leopard works and always worked and I did not update the router firmware because of a problem, I updated because the update was available.

Its only lion in the house that has this problem.

we have the following.

three laptops (one macbook,one dell and one compaq notebook)

two iphones (connected fine with no problems)

one gaming pc (ethernet cabled so no problem there)

an android phone (connected fine)

one imac with lion (unstable and unusable wifi but fine on cable)

I think the problem is clear.

User uploaded file

Aug 4, 2011 3:30 AM in response to andrewfromcoventry

ok so your old chipset in the bt home hub was a Atheros AR9227 chip.

In the v4 of the 834G they switched to a Broadcom chip (intel)

So you are another person just like myself that switched from a atheros based chipset router to a broadcom and it solved the issue..

I think its looking more and more like LION has its problems with certain router chipsets.

thanks for info.

User uploaded file

Aug 4, 2011 8:33 AM in response to marwoodevents

Yep there is certainly someone at apple watching this thread because they deleted my links to a facebook community page I setup to discuss the issue and share ideas and possible solutions.

Pathetic behaviour if you ask me because what are they afraid of? people grouping together to discuss a problem with their O.S?

I guess that old apple advert based on 1984 has been reversed with steve now being the big brother on the screen.

Anyway its easy to find if you go to facebook and search "apple lion wifi problems" should have no problem finding the community if you want to chip in your comments and share possible fixes and suggestions.

I would say to anyone here wondering what chipset they use to post the FULL make and model of router and I will do my best to try to identify what chipset you are using.

from speaking with others on the facebook page I have more broadcom based routers working fine and nearly every single atheros based chipset NOT working!

there is certainly a pattern forming that obviously apple would prefer hushed up for image sake.

They didnt mind taking the 2 and half grand though recently for the new Imac we purchased so on that basis I like many other should have the right to discuss this problem here or anywhere else we choose without fear of censorship.

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Aug 12, 2011 8:32 AM in response to SaraSM

According to this discussion, which has been going on for years, it seems Apple have used a firmware version in Lion that has already been found to cause problems on some computers with the Atheros chipset. There is a post by BananaMacintosh that summarises a procedure for installing a previous version. It is not for inexperienced users and may not be the answer anyway. Atleast Apple will be aware of the issue.


eg. My MBP uses the Broadcom chipset...

User uploaded file

Lion WiFi Connection Problem

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